Contents PAGE Suggested Programs — Continued Good Program of an Entertainment at a Council 92 Indoor Competition for a Prize 92 One-day Hikes 93 V. General Scouting Indoors Handicraft Stunts 96 Fork and Spoon 96 Needle Case 96 Tackle Box 96 Peach Stone Basket 96 Turkey Call 96 Chicken Squawk 96 Picture Frames 97 Birch-bark vessels 98 Souvenir Spoons 98 Knots 99 Fireside Trick 102 The Lone Star Trick 102 Bird Boxes or Houses 103 How to Raise Some Money 106 VI. General Scouting Outdoors Rubbing-stick Fire ........ 108 Hiking in the Snow no Weather Wisdom 115 Outdoor Proverbs 117 The Stars 118 The Pleiades as a Test of Eyesight . . . 124 The Twin Stars 127 The Planets . 127 The Moon 129 Making a Dam 129 When Lost in the Woods 130 Indian Tweezers 131 A Home-made Compass 132 An Indian Clock, Shadow Clock or Sundial . 132 Lights 133 Hunter's Lamp 133 Woodman's Lantern 133 xiii
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