Contents PAGE Some Indian Ways — Continued The Warbow of the Penobscots 505 Scalps 507 Indian Work 508 XV. Campfire Stories or Glimpses of Indian Character The Teachings of Winnemucca 509 The Teachings of Wabasha 1 509 The Lessons of Lone Chief 510 The Teachings of Tshut-che-nau 511 Courage or the Trained Scout 512 An Indian Prayer 512 Genesis (Omaha) 512 The Quiche's Story of Creation 513 Clean Fatherhood 514 Omaha Proverbs 514 The Medicine Man and His Ways .... 514 The Indian Silence 515 The Indian Babes in the Woods . .516 The Story of No-Heart 517 Tecumseh 524 Kanakuk, the Kickapoo Prophet . .526 Chief Joseph of the Sahaptin 528 White Calf, Chief of the Blackfeet . . . .531 Wovoka, the Prophet 534 The Apache Indian's Case 537 The Wiping-out of Nanni-Chaddi .... 539 The Ending of Dull Knife's Band .... 548 The Message of the Indian 573 Index 577 scvi
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