‘The Birch-Bark Roll needed. The game is to tag the other canoe by throw- ing this ito it. The rules are as in ordinary cross-tag. SCOUTING Scouts are sent out in pairs or singly. A number of points are marked on the map at equal distances from camp, and the scouts draw straws to see who goes where. If one place is obviously hard, the scout is allowed a fair number of. points as handicap. All set out at same time, go direct, and return as soon as possible. Points are thus allowed: — Last back, zero for travelling. The other counts one for each minute they are ahead of the last. Points up to 100 are allowed for their story on return. Sometimes we allow 10 points for cach Turtle they bring back; 10 for each Owl seen and properly named; 5 for cach Hawk, and 1 each for other wild birds; also 2 for a Cat; 1 for a Deg, No information is given the scout; he is told to go to such a point and do so and so, but is fined points if he hestitates or asks how or why, etc. POLE STAR Each competitor is given a long, straight stick, in daytime, and told to lay it due north and south. In 48
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