The Birch-Bark Roll he arrived, then rcturn to the starting-point within a certain time. The Hostiles are sent to a point half way, and let go by a starter at the same time as the Scout leaves the Camp. Thcy are to intercept him. If they catch him before he delivers the letter he must ransom his life by paying each two arrow-heads (or other forfeit) and his captor keeps the Ictter as a trophy. If he gets through, but is caught on the road back, he pays half as much for his life. If he gets through, but is over time, it is a draw. Hf he gets through successfully on time he claims three arrow- heads from each Hostile and keeps the letter as a trophy. . They may not follow him into the house (that is, the Fort), but may surround it at one hundred yards distance. They do not know which three houses he is free to enter, but they do know that these are within certain narrow limits. The Scout should wear a conspicuous badge (hat, shirt, coat, or feather), and may ride a wheel or go in a wagon, ctc., as long as his badge is clearly visible. To “tag” the Scout is not to capture. “The block- ade to be binding must be effectual.” 53
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