The Birch-Bark Rolf blue horns. This standard is carried around when a proclamation is being made. If the Chief deputes another to be Herald, he also gives him the standard to carry as a badge of authority. When not thus in use it is stuck in the ground near the Chief’s teepee or place in Council, or perhaps hung on the totem pole. SECOND War CuilEF. To take the Head Chief’s place when he is absent; otherwise he is merely a Councillor. THIRD War Cuter. For leader when the other two are away. Wampum Curer or KEEPER. He has charge of the Red- trail: money and public property of the Tribe, except the Standard records. He ought to have a lock box or small trunk to keep valuables in. | Flying CHIEF OF THE PoINTED Rosr, ¢ OR FEATHER TALLY. Eater He keeps the tribal records, including the Book of 7 — Laws, the Roster or Roll, the Winter Count or Record of Camps and Seasons, and the Feather Tally or Rec- ord of Honors and Exploits. He enters nothing ex- cept on instructions from the Council. He should be an artist. KEEPER OF THE : Counct- Fire. IJt is his exclusive privilege to make fire. He must do it without matches. & inches
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