Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/327

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306 Boy Scouts Flag Raiding Two or more patrols on each side. Each side will form s.n outpost within a given tract of country ,to protect three flags (or at night three lanterns two feet above

ground), planted not less than two hundred yards (one hundred

yards at night) from it. The protecting outpost will be posted Jn concealment either all together or spread out in pairs. It will then send out scouts to discover the encmy's position. When these have found out where the outpost is, they try to creep round out of sight till they can get to the flags and bring them away to their own line. One scout may not take away more than one flag. This is the general position of a patrol on such an outpost: p?ir of Scouts Pah- ?f ?out? Pair ?g ?o?ts Patrol Leader P. P. P. Any sco?t coming within fifty yards ?f a singroger party will be put out of action if seen by the enemy; ff he can creep by n?ilhout being seen it is all right. Scouts posted to watch as outposts cannot move from their ground, but their strength ?ounts u double, and they may send ?ingle messages to their neighbors or to their own scouting An umpire should be with each outpost and with each sco?t- ing patrol. At a given hour operations will cease, and all will assemble at the ?ven spot to hand in their reports. The [ollow'u?g points migi?t be awarded: For each ?ag or lamp capt?med aad brought in ..................... S For each report or sketch ot the p?sitioa of the ?nPmy's outtoasts uO to five .................................................... $ For each ? ? movement o[ cnemy's s?outlng patrols.. ........... 2 The side which makes the biggest total wins. The same game may be played to test the scouts in stepping lightly- the umpire being btind?lded. The practice should pretcrably be carried out where there are dry tw/gs lyiag about, and gravel, etc. The scout may start to stalk the blind enemy at oae haadrod yards' distance, aad he mast do it fairly last --say, in one minute and a half- to touch tJ?e blind mats before he hears him.