Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/62

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ScUtcraft ?. Diaw a diagram showbig how the .? .?e.?? house-fly carries disease. 3. T?ll.what should be don? to a house which has been occupied by a person who has had a contagious disease. 4. Tell how a scout m?y coiiperate with the board of health in preventing disease. 5. Describe the method used in his com- .- .; munity in disposing of garbage. ?'-6.: Tell?o?'a city should protect its foods; milk, meat, and 7. 'Te??oo? to plan the sanitary care of a camp. 8. State the reason why school children should undergo a medical examination. Scholarship Nor?: The n?laires?mts for the merit b?lge for Scholarship h?d not beem decided upon when this book was published. Information about same may be ? upo? application to Natioua? Headquarters. .. ?culptur? To obtain a merit badge for Sculpture a scout must L Make a clay model from an antique design. 5. Make a drawing and a model from nature, these models to be faithful to the original and of artistic design. Seamanship To obts?n a merit badge for Seamanship a scout must r. Be able to tib rapidly six different knots. 5. Splice ropes. 3. Use a Palm and needle. 4. Fling a rope coil. 5. Be able to row, pole, scull, and stee? a boat; also bring a boat properly alongside and make fast. 5. Know how to box the compass, teac a chart, and show use of parallel rules an0 dividers. Be able to state direction by the stars and sun. Swim fifty yards with shoes and clothes on. Digitized by