B Contanti Chapter III. Woodlope and Handicratt **" Edible WUd Plants 197 Mushrooms 200 White Man's Woodcraft — Measuring at a distance 204 Weather Wisdom ao6 When Lost in the Woods 208 Indian Tweezers 209 Indian Clock 210 The Watch as a Compass 210 Home Made Compass 211 Lights an Hunter's Lamp 211 Woodman's Lantern 211 Knife and Hatchet 213 A Waterproof Shelter 217 Camp Loom 218 Navajo Loom 219 Camp Rake , 221 Camp Broom , 221 Rubbing Stick Fire 222 Drum 224 The Woodcraft Willow Bed [225 Woodcraft Paints 229 Woodcraft Dyes 230 Lace or Thong 231 Woodcraft Buttons 231 Handicraft Stunts ,231 Miscellaneous 231 Spoons 233 Bird Boxes 234 Knots • 238 Blazes and Signs 240 Blazes 240 Stone Signs 242 Grass and Twig Signs 243 Smoke Signals 243 Signals by Shots 244 Raising Money 244 Chapter IV. Friends in the Out of Doors How to Know the Wild Things 247 Sixty-four Common Wild Flowers 250 The Woodcraft Girl in the Forest 262 Fifty Common Forest Trees 265
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