Coups and Degrees 351 Teach a class of children successfully for six months in school, church, or recreation centre. Entertain younger pf l.e on five different occasionf-intro- ducing song, story, dancc, and manual training. Dance su good folk dances that are solo dances. Give a superlaUve perfomumce of any of the standard dances on three pubhc occasions. Give lustory of woman's movement in tliis country, telling what btates have woman suffrage. Name the ten Americans whom you consider greatest in our history and say why. Do not include Kving people. Teil briefly of their hves and work. o r- t- Dancer. Know three Indian dancing songs and be able to dance and teach three standard Indian incS CLASS VI— UFE CRAFT Red Cross. A grand ojup for having passed the Red Cross examination of first aid to the injured. Life Saving For passing the U. S. Vol. Life Saving Corns diploma test for hfe sa^/mg m the water, a coup. For the same and an actual rescue, f;rand coup. Tf^^ffing Life Buoy. For those under eighteen: To threw it forty feet within ten feet of the mark is coup; the same but forty-five feet withm five feet of the mark is grand coup. In each case It must be thrown three out of five For th<Me over dghteen: To throw it fifty-five feet within ten feet of the mark is cou^; sixty feet withm five feet of the mark IS grand coup. In each case three times out of five. DEGREES IN WOODCRAFT The Degrees in Woodcraft are given because of general aU- around proficiency. They cover aU phases of life and enable Woodcraf ters to work along lines which arouse the most interest and give the greatest pleasure. Some subjects are of interest to only one sex, but all are open to both sexes. fn,SL * ^yj^^ of Guidance. The degrees are founded on world-wide standards, and with the help r.f the best experts. The CouncU will gladly consider any suggestion, but it r'L^^^^ "*» ^ ?^°"P ^ I^wer to add to or vary the degrees m any way whatsoever.
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