Art Metal Worker
The Degree of Art Metal Worker may be conferred
on any one who takes fifteen of these tests:
I. Make set of six buttons and a pair of cufflinks
to^match m copper, brass. German iS. «p,2SS
^i^' u '"■^f ^'■^y- P'^t"""e frame, etc.
4- Make bracelet, band, link, or chain.
filigree^* metal-may be engraved plates or links or
in se'uing,'oreSel'^ ^ semi-predon. tone
""^ ^"'^ and plates.
9- JJake bowl ten inches in diameter
f^^y '"'^^^^ diameter.
12. Make four small knockers for study, bedroom nhvnvim
and music room, with appropriate dcsigr playroom.
13- Make set of andirons,
stand. ^^^ ton,rs,pokr. , and hearthbniahand
IS- Make desk set.
16. Make electric la stand i, r able, Indian desi^
17. Make metal vas. iitable for lam^'Sm3^?'a^^^
tinguisS.' ""'^'^^ matchhold^or sn'ifaitd «-
19. MakccandlesticksandfirebowlfortheFour Fires.
Backwoods Handicraftsman
.Jt S*'^'^ Backwoods Handicraftsman may be conferred on any one who takes seven of these tSte- 1. Make a birch or hickory broom 2. Make a hunter's lamp. 3. Make an Indian or willow be-' t iitt^ * four-poster to carry the willow bed. 5. Make a wooden kneading trou^