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2. Pass first-aid tests of Red Cross Society. 3. Know how to trer ^ for bad sunburn. rr^J: f ^^1'°" '""y.' ««<i thc Draper treat- ment for cases of poisoning by these. 5. Carry a person down a ladd-^r. 6. Bandage head and ankle. art/rk?h?n^or^C'"""' °' °' «^ orrl^g?^^ ^^"^ ^ '^^O"' ^ 9. Demonstrate treatment for rupture of varicose veins of the leg with severe hemorrhage. v-uac veins oi 10. Show treatment for bite of finger bv mad do^ 11. Demonstrate rescue of person in contact with electric 12. Apply tourniquet to a principal artery. toSat^in!' '^^^ P°^°^ »»d ^^ 14. Write a statement on the care of the teeth 15. State a principle to govern in eating, and state in the o^er^of then: miportance five rules to g<^^n the S ^16. Be able to teU the difiFeience in eflfect of a cold and hot ^17. Describe the eflfect of a'oohol and tobacco on the growing 18. Tell hew to care for the feet Oii a march. 19. Describe the eflFect of walking as an exercise. 20. Know how to treat sprams. 2 1 . Tell how athletics m y be overdone. 22. State what the chief causes of ^ch of the followinir diseases are: tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria. 'ouowmg 23 TeU what should be done to a house which has been c . pied by a person who has had a contagious disease pr:^enTbg dS^ale'^ ""^ "^^^^ with the bc«d of health m ofgirb^:^^d^lIl^^^^^^^^^^ ex^o JfSc^r" P"^"^' and 27. TeU how to plan the sanitar>^ care of a camp. 28. State the reason why school chilcren should undergo a medical examination. uuuwuu » 29. Must know what wood herbs, etc, or camp staples wiU