Pokračování textu ze strany 389
8. Bufld a boat or canoe.
9. Ma . e a paddle and paint it Indian fashion,
lo. Kepalr a boat or canoe.
12. Swim IOC yards.
13. Swim fifty feet with shoes, pants or skirt, and shirt on
14 Sail any two-man craft for 200 miles in a sMs^ltl-
other man not a professional saUor season— the
minute^*'**^ ^"^^ » canoe on dead water one mile in tweK^
16. Spill a canoe, get in again and bale it out without help
18. I^ye a knowledge of weather-wisdom and Udes.
19. State direction by the stars and sun.
20. Steer by compass.
ai. Teach a class to handle a canoe.
The Degree of Caipenter may be conferred on anv one who takes ten of these tests : ^ I. Know how to drive a nail so as not to solit a board, also how to sink, clinch, or draw 1^ sa^e ^ Know the use of square, level. i>lu^U^S, and 3. Uy out a right angle by the 3. 4, 5 plan. ^4. Shmgle a square-that is, a portion of , of-ten feet each man'sh^— "^"^ - «^ -rk- t' T^ZS^ ? '^^^ P^^^^ °f f^'ture in good style, child. P«»' * set of wooden toys for Jme ordf;. '^^ important piece o* furniture seriously out of ^^^^Pj^BmW^a smaU shed or cabin so as to make U sufe and