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Pokračování textu ze strany 393
13. Make and run a bird bath BUccettfuHy
14- Make and run a bird restaurant
Cradle Craft
The Degree of Cradle Craftsman mav be conferral on any one who takes fifteen onS^^ltV: ^ week Sr7hTT ""'"^ ^ h^^' « weight each baby for thTL'Xf ttr"™^"^' Keep record'of some time? """'^ "^^"^^ * ^•^y ^'^^ in height during this in ek^Ss^^P'^"' ^ «>»vulsion8. State what to do 4. Give symptoms of croup. How treated. taklaM5:J:T"™*"'«"»--"«k«>the™oU..rca„ M V"' Mother's Helper for one month. 1 1. Make a baby's outfit complete babL " *" '«althi.r«ui why, breast or «tifidaay fed fouVh^ra^,Sro?th'?t7ea'?^*""''««'™'- '-»'>•- ^l^rj^te what is the best kind of milt. How ored for ,£ ter