Pokračování textu ze strany 396
…such as Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, Old Mother Hub-
bard, etc. (actuig the story or rhyme out in pantomime).
18. Put on shadow charades in camp or ^dow moving pic-
tures with sheet and lantern. * ^
19. Take part in folk dancing at three public events.
The Degree of Farmer may be conferred on any one who takes nineteen of these tests: z. Explain the nature of soil, its texture and need of water and air. 2. Describe four different kinds of soil; explain what these lack, and how it should be added to make agriculture successful. 3. State how to dedde what fertilizer is needed in a given soil. 4. Mention ten leading standard fertilizers, and indicate thei* peculiar qualities and value. 5. Mention all the leading crops of your neifl^bboriiood. Tell how you would rotate them and why. 6. State when to sow wheat, oats, rye, barley, buckw'ieat and when to reap each. 7. State when to sow peas, com, millet, kaffir corn and when to reap each. 8. State when to plant turnips, potatoes, and carrots; tell how you would rotate them and why? 9- State when to sow clover alfalto, timothy, tobacco and tell how you would rotate each and why. 10. Plow ten acres of land. 11. Harrow ten acres of land. 1 2. Seed down ten acres of land. 13- Weed down ten acres of land. 14- Harvest ten acres of land. 15- Cut, make, and harvest ten acres of hay. 16. Describe the methods and value of drainage. ^ '7. Explain the value and best use of stable manure, la, Make a seed tester and test the germination of three fiTi&r of crop seeds, one hundred seeds of each kind, "Rae- tiaby' tester for corn. State why a fanner 'should watch the United States ' ■ tier reports. . State why a hxma shouki watch the maricet