Pokračování textu ze strany 404
X4. Know the history of the National Flag and the proDer
way of saluting, etc. f
IS' Teach haif a dozen persons to qualify in No. 14.
Home Cook
The Degree of Home Cook may be conferred on any one who takes fourteen of these tests: I. Make up an appetizing and satisfactory vege- tarian diet for one week for a familv of four persons. 2. Do all cooking at home, three meals'a day for one week for a family of not less than fom persons. 3. Make up satisfactory menus and superintend cooking for family of three or four persons for one month, preparimr at least one meal a day. ^ 4. Prepare and pack a dainty satisfying picnic lunch for four persons. 5. Demonstrate fireless cooker successfully on meats, veee- tables, cereals, and fruits. ** 6. Demonstrate paper-bag cookery and explain its value on not less than four foods. 7 . Prepare and serve from chafing dish four appetizing dishes. «. Wash all dishes and utensils for the household using especial methods for sUver, brass, glass, china, aluminum, copper, ^ 9- Arrange flowers and foliage for the dining table, also for sick rooms, trays, etc. 10. Understand proper hydration of cereals, that is, what proportion of water to use in cooking rice, oats, etc. ^ II. Bake three batches of hght yeast-raised bread and tell unportance of thoroughly baking same. 12. Bake three batches of biscuits, soda raised. 13- Bake two batches of pan cakes, one using fresh sweet milk and the other sour or butter milk. 14. Make plain and French pastry that wiU digest readily. IS- Make bread or biscuits using methods of four diflferent nationahties. 16. Bake four good sweet cakes; layer, loaf , ginger, and cookies, or Jin ineat m four ways— roast, broU, fricassee, and stew or oou. Know which cut is most suitable for each way. X8. Cook fish three different ways— broil, fry, and bake.