Pokračování textu ze strany 415
3. Repair a puncture.
4. T^e apart and clean a bicycle, and put it together again
5. If sent scouting on a road know how to .nake reports on
road conditions, hills, character of country, location and charac-
ter of waters and settlements.
6. Read a map and report correctly verbal messages.
7. Write a full report of a 200-mile bicycle trip.
8. Ride a motorcycle.
9. Clean a motorcycle.
10. Repair any important part of a motorcycle.
11. Make a run of 100 miles in a day on motorcycle.
12. Make a run of twenty miles in one hour on motorcycle.
Market Woman or Buyer
The Degree of Market Woman may be conferred on any one who takes fifteen of these tests: I. Explain the saying that Paris could live on the waste of New York City. 2. Know the seasons when lamb, mutton, and pork are best. 3. Know and buy the six choice cuts of beef, such as tender- loin, sirloin, porterhouse, round, rump, brisket, rib, etc. What parts of the animals are so called? Tell why certain cuts are best. 4. Know and buy the best mutton cuts, such as shoulder, leg, rack, chops, etc. K,now which cuts are cheapest and best in the long run. 5. Know and buy the best pork cuts, such as shoulder, chops, loin, and rib roasts. 6. Know fresh brains, hearts, livers, kidneys, and sweet- breads. 7. Has the United States Pure Food Law given us better and safer meat? If so, why and how? 8. Know something definite about diseases of animals from which consumers are likely to suffer. 9. State why the knowledge of tj'phoid, tuberculosis, pto- maine, etc., is within the province of the market woman. 10. State whether the middleman is friend or foeof the market woman. 11. Explain cold storage; give hst of foods that are safe. 12. Explain how parcels post, telephone, and cheap motor cars have been a help to the market woman.