Pokračování textu ze strany 417
9. Make a box with riveted corners,
zo. Make a ring, or fob, or other article of coin silver,
zz. Make a key for a lock.
The Degree of Mountaineer may be conferred
on any one who takes eight of these tests:
I. Take two honors at least in the list of imyun-
2. Camp out at least thirty nights in the mountains.
3. Know, name, and describe the fourteen great divisions
of the earth's crust (according to Geikie).
4. Know and name twenty-five different kinds of rock.
5. Define watershed, delta, drift, fault, glacier, terrace,
stratum, dip.
6. Know at least twenty mammals that live in the mountains.
7. Know at least fifty mountain birds.
8. Know at least twenty-five mountain trees.
9. Make a journey alone on foot throu^ the mountains
of at least 100 miles, sleeping out every ni^t.
10. Swim 100 yards.
The Degree of Needlewoman may be conferred on on any one who takes fifteen of these tests: I. Make three different articles of plain white underwear. 2. Be able to run a sewing machine and keep it in condition for two months, using various parts for shirring, hemming, etc 3. MEike a plain waist or shirt waist for outing purposes. 4. Make a man's shirt. 5. Make a set of baby clothes, not less than six pieces, Gertrude patterns preferred. 6. Dress a doll in Woodcraft suit or some distinctive outfit, such as Colonial, Dutch, etc. Must be not less than Usa. inches high. ^. Darn stockings for three people for one month or its equivalent. 8. Make a satisfactory dam in tabledoth and u^ikin.