Pokračování textu ze strany 432
7. Have a knowledge of the game laws of the State in which
he hves.
1 Mi^j y^^^c and mount the skin of a game bird, or animal,
killed m season. '
9. Mount for a rug the pelt of some fur animal.
10. Know twenty-five different kinds of trees.
11. Know thirty dififerent wild flowers.
12. Know ten different snakes.
13. Know ten different fungi.
14. Know the signs of weather.
15. Make fire with the rubbing-sticks.
Woman’s Power in History
The Degree of Woman's Power in History may be conferred on any one who takes nine of these tests: f I. Name five great women rulers of the world, J give theu- history, and tell something about them. five great American women who have made history (the hving included). ^ 3- Name five great women scientists and sUte their Halm. to fame. 4. Name five great women inventors and state their claims to lame. 5- Name five great women educators and state their clauns to lame. 6. Name five great women artists and state theu- Hgin^g to tame. T a"^' ^^^was the real status of woman among the American Indians? (See "Book of Woodcraft.") ""*«iwn 8. Name five great American Indian queens who achieved power by their personal force. 9. Wnat countries now have Woman Suffrage? 10. What States in America have Woman Suffrage? 11. Write an essay of 1,500 to 3,000 words stating what you know of the Woman's Rights Movement, also your opinion as to the ultimate destmy and effect. « » 12. What recent changes have been made hv law in your women° advantages and opportunitia of men and 13. Eylain community property law as affecting husband. }wfe, and children. What States have this law? Where was laonginr