Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/439

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415 Dance tMU ChitMjutPi'^ of Ydlow Ork Ch .iaiUlmnum lyuranthfinum ii^ crift stuilv if Cituen decree, tc-*-. /or CICtiWMtoti and pirtrimi— Cit^-hmtiiHr coup for CLtnting >»att» riaimind de«ree«  Clam thtU m tweezer^ Ctayhmi i 1 irgini i C'liinbini< ropf , io for ('l<Minx ihe Couucil ("losing Lullaby, words anil (. louDf LuUaby, in Fireflies' Cock-Fifhtinj Gmm Code, rulway ligaili CaUtfUs tmatui . . CttUnm VtrgimaHHs . CoDectinc tpecimeni ( olonial HouMkMoer i ( olorine, natural Ofm for Colors o] badgw . . . Columbine .... Compau, boiiMnMde Compass, the watch as a Cone-flower, or Black-eved Susan Conferring of coupa ud liegrcci Coniervator (taffW. MiU for . . Conititutioo or Lawt for niMt of Tribe Constitution, ciianfn Im tkt Cookery, camp Cooking, coup for . . . Cooking outfit for camping trip Cookinc without utensils . CopiwrLead Snakes Coprinus, Inky, edible toadstool Coral Snakes Com Dances .... Ctrma iraekyrlnnchos . . . CottoaHgoutli Moccasin Snakes Cottonwood . . Council Fire, lighting of Council Games Council, Grand, ceremony of . . Council Ring. establisUng, coup for Council Ring, meaning (4 the Council Robe, described Council, Special, bow called Council and Tribe activities Councils in canp . . Councils of Bands aixl Tribes Councils, when heU . . . Coundl-fire, building of Coups and degrees Coups and di Coup, badge Coup badge OBopsferF AtUetir AnAe- Atttr Aw» Bait ca of Beat Bow ac-; Braiding and CtUn boildinf PAOI •81 IIS 940 SS 3SS •00 •M ii» 0. »7 7«  9A 4$ «7o .?!• HI 'Jl •30 SI »S8 til •10 •S< »7

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191 540 170 iga 3SO •03 ito »S 314 3»0 •73 I.K 43 •S 341 •4 u dl d 186 S*7 34 440 Mt m m Camping .... Canoe huikUag . . Canoe campibg Canoeing Chin the bar . . City-huntinF Climb rope Cooking Diamond Hitch thiQwing Discuss throwing Dumb-bell fraloiu . . Kstablishing CouaUl Kiag r ^esighl exploit* Fuhing .... Jlh.^^ nr. making Gang tramping Gauging famess General Athletics Geofc)gy . . Hammer throw Hand walking Handicraft . Height and weight guessing Herald ... Hop, step, and jump Hopping on ooc leg Indian aan( ' Knot tying long Latitud* taking Latrine making Life Saving Log-riding . . Lone tramping Map making Match-fire proficiency Medley ncs. Minerahigy Motor-boating Motoring Mountain climbing Nature Study . Parallel bar exploiu Paleontok>gy . Peace Mriofnger Pbotonapky . Red Craa* work Riding . Running Running backward Running broad jump Running high jump Running high kick Rowing Rubbioc-stick fire making s s iIMt woothg making 333. 336 3ii. 333 340 33a 340 33g 331 333 341 338 340 330 33t 33* 330 3*0 345 331 333 346 330 341 331 331 351 330 330 340 340 351 33«  33«  34t 336 334 ^ 3S6 337 , 33^ 333 34S 341 34S 35X 3*9 330 330 331 330 33* 334 ^ 33«  331 M«  340 330 ^ 331 «|B 330 341 «  ^ 340 S3* 334,