Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/151

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5. Make a net and catch a fish in it.

6. Make a turtle trap and catch a turtle in it.

7. Make a six-foot leader of clean gut, with smooth knots to stand a strain of five pounds.

8. Take with the fly, unassisted, a three-pound trout, land-locked salmon, or bass, or a twelve-pound salmon, on a rod not more than eight ounces in weight.

9. Take on a rod, without assistance in hooking, playing, or landing a trout, black bass, pike (muskallonge), grayling, salmon, bluefish, weakfish, striped bass, kingfish, sheepshead, or other game fish, whose weight in pounds equals or exceeds half that of the rod in ounces.

10. Cast a fly with a rod of five ounces, or less, not over ten feet long, sixty-five feet. Or, with one quarter of an ounce dummy frog, five-foot rod, outdoors overhead casting, tournament style, send it eighty feet if under eighteen, one hundred and ten if over.

11. Swim a hundred yards.

12. Paddle (single) a canoe one mile in fourteen minutes.

13. Row without help one mile in ten minutes.

Food Craft


The Degree of Foodcraft may be conferred on any one who takes nine of these tests:

1. Know a balanced diet for daily living that will meet requirements of the body.

2. Know the value of cereals and the proper preparation of corn, wheat, rice, barley, and rye for bread and porridges, etc.

3. Cook in camp for a week for four people.

4. Understand the terms proteids, carbohydrates, and tell which foods contain them, in what proportion, and whether available for the human body and whether easily assimilated.

5. Know a balanced vegetarian diet and prepare menus of same for a week at camp.

6. Know the local wild plants available for salads and prepare a salad of same.

7. Dry sweet green corn for camp use, either in sun or in oven. Other vegetable may be substituted, if dried in same way.

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