Tribal Robe
Many tribes have made tribal robes. They are best made of some bright colored material, since they are essentially a display property. Their usual place is hung banner-like behind the Council Rock or on the wall. The proper ornaments are the Woodcraft shield, the tribal totem, any pictographic incidents of local history and any coups or degrees that have been won, by every member of the tribe, provided there are not less than six members enrolled.
The Sagamore Robe
The proudest visible ornament of the Woodcrafter is the Sagamore robe, the right to wear which is bestowed at the time of installation as Sagamore and continues thereafter.
The robe is designed to be, first, a comfortable blanket or wrap; second, a bedspread; third, a wall drape, or a banner background in council. But its ornaments are the Woodcraft record of the wearer, and may be embellished and beautified to any desired extent. The robes of our Sagamores, are, perhaps, the most picturesque adjuncts of all our Woodcraft work.
While much of its plan is left to individual taste, there are one or two essentials that all must accept.
First, it is a robe, and when spread out, lies flat.
Second, it must have on it the crown of 24 white feathers about the wearer’s personal symbol or totem, and somewhere also the horned shield, the symbol of Woodcraft, also the wearer’s tribe totem.
To all this, you add as won your additional coup feathers and your degree emblems, also other decorative features desired, arranged according to your own taste.
The circle within the crown of 24 feathers must be reserved for the owner's Council Fire Name.
These are the essentials, but it is urged that the robe be of soft, beautiful material, any color you please so it be beautiful. The best pattern or cut is the one given in the illustration. This is 4½ feet wide and 6½ feet long. Its peculiar features are as follows: The head hole which is ..text pokračuje