Games Section . . . . Games, Water Gavotte, Simple Golf, Archery . . Grabau, John F., on Binding . Graham, Robert W., on Basket Making oe ee Grass Mats Grass Signs. . Grass, Sweet, as Basket “Material . Grey Wolf’s "Song . Griswold, Lester . Guessing Birds Handicrafts Section Handspring. Hand Wrestling . Hangers for Costuming . Haring, Inez M. Hatchet, Use of . Hat-trimming . Height Measuring. . Hemp, as Basket Material . Hickory, as Basket Material Hide, see Skin. High Hop-Point Step . Hike Song, Woodcraft . . Hoffman, Walter Js on Elm in Basketry . . ee On Mat Making . Hollow Tree... Hop Fight, Circle ... Hop Fight, One Hand Hop, Lunge and . . Hop-Step, Sioux Horn, Camp . Horn Cup . Horn for. Elk’s Teeth . Horn, Hunter’s Horn, Tinder Horse Racing Hostile Spy Hunt, Bear . Hunt, Big Bear . Hunt, Deer . .... . Hunt, Man... .. . Hunt, Rabbit . Sk Hunter, Bear and the Hunter’s Horn Hunter’s Lamp Hunting, Lion . Hunting of Mishi- Mokwa Hunting Pouch . 105, Imitating Birds Indian Dances . . Indian Hemp as Basket Material . Indian Names for Months . Indian Office . . Indian Pottery Making . Indian Running . Indian Village Indian Well . Indoor Council Ring Indoors Gamies Informal Games . Ink Prints . 8 Into the Ring Introduction Ishi and Arrowheads Index 40 59 20 131 143 177 193 265 1 ) Jaeger, Ellsworth . 128, 157, 173, 175, 184, 186, 189, 232, 234 James George Wharton . 135, 141 Jewelry of Silver . 106 Jewelry of Tin se elle) «106 Jumping Relay .... . . 22 Jump Relay Broad... . . 25 Jump Rope Relay... . at Kangaroo Jum 43 136 89 152 46 93 95 28 156 106 170 45 205 136 137 66 56 137 144 257 29 120 Kitchen of Indian Village . . 200 Knife Sheath ... . : Knife, Use of . La Flesche, Francis . . . . . 83 Lame Dog Walk .... . 42 Lamp, Hunter’s . . . . . . 166 Lantern, Woodman’s ... - 168 Laport, 'E. A., on Basket Making . 142 Laughing Contest... . 46 Leap Frog Relay . 8 we ew 23 Leg Bands. . © - -. 151 Leggings, Indian . eo es ee 157 Lights . . . » © © « « 166 Lion Hunting . oo. 12 Little Bird Wants a Tree . . . 53 Lives of Game Animals... 101, 251 Lock Arm Tag . .... . 52 Logan, Elwood . .... . 98 Log Cabin . ..... . 218 Log Drum ..... . . 237 Log Riding . ..... . 96 Long House . .... . . 200 Loom, Beading 147 Loom, Camp. . 177 Loom, Navaho .. .. . . -178 Lunge and Hop... . ... = 29 Lvoff, Alexis . . . . .. . @t Lynx, Catch the. . .... 39 Man Hunt... . 15 Martynia, as Basket Material . 136 Mason, Bernard S., on Drums . 237 Match Box Covers . . . . . 105 Match Box, Pass the oe oe he) USS Mats ... ~ ee) «144 Mats, Grass. . 177 Matthews, Dr. Washington "107, 108, 111, 140, 179 Mazurka, Polka . . 60 Measuring Weights and Distances . 205 Medicine Bag. » ow ee «184 Medley Diving Relay » oe ele) C4 Medley Swimming Relay . . . 41 Meet, Parlor Track . . . . . 48 Menomini Beading ~ « 147 Menomini Mats ... . . 144 Might of America (Song) _ Lo. 91 Mishi-Mokwa, Hunting of Lo 16 Modern Priscilla, on Basketry . 144 Months, Indian Names for . 197 Mordants .. ~ oe ele) C4 Morlock, Jose hine . 2 wt 87 Moss, as Basket Material 136 Moulds for Silver Jewelry . 107 Moulds of Navaho Indian ~ . « 108 Muffins, Acorn ... ~ 2 « 97 Mule, Obstinate . . . .. . 5 Names for Months, Indian. . 197 Napkin Ring. . . .. - 113
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