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mounted in a museum, the female and young to count separately, when they are wholly different from the male. This counts coup; 200 birds for grand conp. _ _ Know and name correctly 50 wild birds m the ííeld; thlS counts conp; 100, grand conp. Recognize 50 wild birds by note, for wap; 100 for grand coný. Know and name 10 turtles for muj); 20 for grand conp, With something interesting about each. Know and name 10 different Snakes, tell which are poisonous, for coup; 20 snakes for grand wap. Know and name correctly 10 Batrachians for coup; 20 for grand conp. Know and name 2 5 fish for canp; 50 ñsh for grand conp.
Nature Study – Lower Forms of Life
(Revised by John Burroughs.) Know and name 25 native land and fresh-water shells, for conp; 50 for grand conp. Know and name 25 moths, for conp; 50 for grand map. Know and name 25 butterñies, for conp; 50 for grand coup. Know and name 50 other insects for muj); 100 for grand conp. Know and name correctly, i. e., with the accepted English names, according to any standard authority, 25 trees, and tell something interesting about them, counts conp; 50 for grand conp. Know and name correctly 50 of our wild flowers, for conp; 100 for grand couý. Know and name correctly 25 of our wild ferns, for conp; 50 for grand conp. Know and name correctly 25 of our native mosses, for conp; 50 for grand conjz. Know and name 50 common toadstools or mushrooms, for conp; 100 for grand coný.
Geology, etc.
(Revised by Prof. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution.) Paleontology. Know and name, referring to their proper strata, 50 native fossils, for conp; 100 for grand wap.