Pokračování textu ze strany 79
14. Build a shack or cabin of one kind or another suitable for three occupants. 15. Walk 1 mile in 11 minutes. (15 for L. L.) 16. Run 100 yards in 13 seconds. (Not open to L. L.) 17. Run 50 yards in 7% seconds. (Not open to L. L.) 18. Swim 100 yards.
Scout Runner
The Degree of Scout Runner is conferred on those who take g of these tests:
- L Can walk 1 mile in 11 minutes. (14 in L. L.)
- 2. “ " 30 miles in 12 hours. (Not open to L. L.)
3. run 100 yards in 13 seconds. (Not open to L. L.) 4. " “ 50 “ “ 7§ " (Not open to L. L.)
- 5. “ " 1 mile in 5% minutes. (Not open to L. L.)
- 6. " swim 100 yards.
- 7 “ paddle a canoe 1 mile in 12 minutes. (15 in L. L.)
8. Know the Semaphore or Wigwag or Myer code and take as well as receive a message at the rate of at least 24 letters a minute.
- 9. Know 200 Signs of the Sign Language. (100 in L. L.)
10. Know the 25 secret signs and blazes of the Indian code (15 in L. L.)
- r 1. Have slept out 30 nights.
12. Know and can clearly discriminate the track of 25 of our common wild quadrupeds; also trail for a mile without snow, till near enough to photograph or bag it. (Snow allowed in L. L. 13. Must have carried a letter 3 times over a mile of enemy's country with at least 20 hostiles out against him, of his own class.
,The Degree of Sharpshooter is conferred on those who take 7 of these tests:
- L Qualify as in "marksman" with the riñe 'in accordance
with the regulations of the National Ríñe Association.
- 2. Make a bow and arrow which will shoot a distance of
100 feet with fair precision. 3. Make a regulation archery target-a, feet across, with the 9-inch centre and 4 rings, each 4% inches wide.