Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/432

Verze z 6. 9. 2018, 14:42, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Pokračování textu ze strany 431

…twelve separate subjects, three interiors, three portraits, three Umdscapes, and three instantaneous "action photos," 2. Make a recognizable photograph of any wild bird larger than a robin, while on its nest. 3. Make a recognizable photograph of a wud animal in its native haunts. 4. Make a recogriizable photograph of a fish in the water. 5. Map correctly from the country itself the main features of half a mile of road, with 440 yards each side, to a scale of two feet to the mile, and afterward draw same map from memory. 6. Measure the height of a tree, telegraph pole, and church steeple without climbing. 7. Measure width of a river without crossing. 8. Estimate distance apart of two objects a known dis- tance away and unapproachable, within an average of 10 per cent, of error in ten different trials. 9. Measure a gradient. xo. Estimate the speed of a stream. 11. Tell the number of gallons of water going over a fall cx down a stream. 12. Estimate the horsepower of a given fall. 13. Teach the last seven to some one else. Nibwaka-winini

Wise Woodman


The Degree of Wise Woodman may be conferred on any one who takes twelve of these tests: I. Have a list pf 100 different kinds of birds per- _^ sonaily observed on exploration in the field. 2. Have identified beyond question, by appearance or by note, forty-five different kinds of burds m one day. 3. Have made a good clear photograph of some wild bird, the bird image to be over half an inch in length on the negative. 4. Have secured at least two tenants in bird boxes erected by himself. , . r u i.- j 5. Have daily notes on the nesting of a pair of wild birds from the time the first egg is laid until the young have left tl» nest. . 6. Have attracted at least three kinds of burds, exclusive w the Engluh sparrow, to a "lunch counter" wbkkL he has mp- plied

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