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The Book on Woodcraft

This book is intended above all for Czech and Slovak woodcraft girls and boys, whether they are the members of the Woodcraft Leagues or other outdoor organizations, or they walk along Fourthfold path alone. However, and of course, the book is also intended for all sisters and brothers of world woodcraft and scout movements; for all forest pilgrims and solitaries who confess Nature mysteries under blue sky; for all interested pedagogues, historicians and Woodcraft followers.

This book deals an origin, a development, a way, an importance, and some future perspectives of woodcraft movement. Included contributions and essays try to catch main historical and ideological motifs of all known world woodcraft organizations, of all woodocraft movement. The movement set in existence in the beginning of our century by sensitive Nature lover and prophet, traveller and backwoodsman, artist-naturalist, pedagogue, lecturer and writer: Ernest Thompson Seton (1860–1946). The movement that like long and wide river has spread into many various ways, assumed different forms, reached variable depths and levels – but what is essential: it has brought hope and important message; it has brought “good water” to the millions of “thirsty boys and girls from 4 to 94”.

Except for prevailing woodcraft history this book discuss also some woodcraft connecting and important or interesting themes (see Contents on page 168).

There are a number of woodcraft publications in existence in the present time. However, this “Book on Woodcraft“ is in its manner exceptional. It contains the views and opinions of several authors coming from various countries of the world. Altogether 13 authors from 8 countries (see the List of the autors on previous page) of various age, interests, occupation, etc., both woodcrafters and scouts. As example of modern international cooperation and brotherhood. The peculiarity of this book also consists in a circumstance of its “physical” origin: prepared for a print in Czech Prague, printed and published (in Czech language!) by Walden Library in Polish Katowice, and then sended away from Prague again.

All the authors approached the realization of “The Book on Woodcraft” with firm belief in power and life of precious Seton's heritage and developing idea of woodcraft movement.