Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/430

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Thunder Roller


The Degree of Thunder Roller may be conferred on any one who takes nine of these tests:

1. Show that you can start a motor, explaining what precautions should be taken.
2. Take off and put on pneumatic tires.
3. State the construction and purpose of clutch.
4. State the construction and purpose of carburetor.
5. State the construction and purpose of valves.
6. State the construction and purpose of magneto.
7. State the construction and purpose of spark plug.
8. State the construction and purpose of differential.
9. State the construction and purpose of transmitter.
10. State how to put out burning gasoline or oil.
11. State how to run two different types of cars.
12. Pass an examination equal to the local license examination for chauffeur.




The Degree of Traveler may be conferred on any one who takes eleven of these tests:

1. Walk one mile in eleven minutes.
2. Tramp thirty miles a day.
3. Climb one of the standard peaks (See mountain climbing.)
4. Know at least fifteen star groups, including the Dipper and the Little Bear.
5. Camp out in at least ten different States or countries.
6. Enter the Arctic or Antarctic circles.
7. Cross the equator.
8. Take exact latitude and longitude with instruments.
9. Take latitude within two degrees of error, with home-made instruments.
10. Make a compass survey of 100 miles of country.
11. Travel at least 100,000 miles by rail or steamship or other means.
12. Travel 500 miles on foot, by bicycle, by canoe, or in saddle, camping out.
13. Know 200 signs of the Sign Language.
14. Make oneself comfortable in the woods with only wild-wood material.
15. Swim 100 yards.
16. Sleep out thirty nights.