Pokračování textu ze strany 428
13. Teach a cooking class for six mcmths and give a demonstra-
tion of its success.
14. Teach a class in manual training for six months.
15. Bring group of children trained by self to entertain
Council by dancing, singing, talk-fest, or acting.
Three Years’ Service
TheDegrec of Three Years' Service maybeconferred
on any one who has been a member of a Woodcraft
Tribe for three years, never missing a tribal c^ampout
in that time, attending half of the tribal meetings at
other times, and having a clear record for law and order.
Thunder Handler
The Degree of Thunder Handler may be conferred on any one who takes twelve of these tests: I. Explain the di£ference between direct and alternating current. 2. Install a bell battery. 3. Install a telephone. 4. Install an electric light. 5. Explain Ampere. 6. Explain Kilowat. 7. Explain Volt. 8. Repair a broken switch. 9. Splice and insulate a broken wire. 10. Replace a fuse. 11. Show how to rescue a person in contact with a live wire. 12. Show how to resuscitate a person. 13. Make a simple electro- magnet. 14. Explain the construction of a simple battery celL 15. Explain a storage battery. 16. Explain a short circuit. 17. Explain a ground wire. 18. Show the sign now used for live wire (a lightning zigng).