Pokračování textu ze strany 427
3. Swim fifty feet with shoes and clothes on.
4. Demonstrate breast, crawl, and side stroke,
5. Dive i>roperly from the suriface of the water.
6. Dive into from seven to ten feet of water and bring
from bottom to surface a loose bag of sand weighing five lbs.
7. Demonstrate on land five methods of release from a
drowning person who clutches you.
8. Demonstrate in the water two metho<ls of release.
9. Demonstrate the Schaefer method of resuscitation (prone
10. Demonstrate safely crossing thin or rotten ice.
XI. Teach three persons to swim.
The Degree of Teacher m£fy be conferred on any one who takes seven of these tests: I. Teach a class of children successfully for six months in school, church, or recreation centres. 2. Teach a class of children to sing, dance, or act for some patriotic, school, or charitable entertainment. 3. Teach a class of children in athletics for three months — dancing, swimming, riding, fencing, boxing, hiking, rowing, paddling. 4. Teach for a school year any child or children the rudi- ments of education, including outdoor and nature study. 5. Teach a sewing class of at least sLx for sL months. 6. Teach sue or more young people the Hopi Spring and Corn dance so that they can perform them at request. 7. Teach six or more children three folk dances. 8. Organize and lead a Band in Woodcraft for a year. 9. Lead an outdoor nature study class of four or more chil- dren for a year, so that class has collected twenty-five butter- flies or moths, twenty-five wild flowers, ten ferns; knows fifteen trees by leaf and bark. 10. Have a class of four or more h popular astronomy for a winter or a summer, so that class can pass test for knowing Tole Star and fifteen star-groups. 11. Teach a handicraft class: beadwork, baskets, stencils, quiliwork, metal work, pottery, woodcarving, etc. 12. Teach two or more children to sing without accompani- ment any three ballads (solos or duets) of known merit, such as folksongs or standard songs.