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4. Milkacr twice a day for one month. 5. Tell the etfect of sunli^t and good air on cows. 6. Understand the sterilization of milk. 7. Understand the care of dairy vessels, etc. 8. Test five cows for ten days eadi with the Babcock test and make exact ref>orts. 9. Know how to treat a cow for indigestion. 10. Explain the use and advantage of a sq>arator. 1 1 . Make two pounds of butter a week for two months. 12. Explainpasteurizing and its value. 13. Keep a nock of sheep. 14. Raise at least four beeves for market or homeconsumptko. 15. Raise hogs for market or home consumption. 16. Ciu'e beef and pK)rk for home use or for sale. 1 7. Know how to butcher beeves, hogs, and dieep.
Star Wiseman
A The Degree of Star Wiseman may be confmed ^ ^ on any one who takes seven of these tests: ^^y^ I. Have a general knowledge of the nature and ^ t movements of the stars. 2. Point out and name ten principal constellations. 3. Find the north by means of other stars than the Pole Star in case of that star being obscured by clouds. 4. Tell the hour of the night by the stars and moon. 5. Know and name twenty of the chief stars. 6. Know, name, and can point out three of the planets. 7. Have a general knowledge of the positions and move- ments of the earth, sun, and moon. 8. Have a general knowledge <A tides, eclipses, meteors, comets, sun-spots, and planets. 9. Take the latitude from the stars with homemade instru- ments, within one degree of error. 10. Make a sundial that works.
The Degree of Swimmer may be omforred on way one who takes eight of these tests: 1. Swim 100 yards. 2. Swim on the back fifty feet