Small Stock Farmer
The Degree of Small Stock Farmer may be conferred
on any one who takes twelve of these tests:
I. Hatch and raise a brood of a dozen chickens till
2. Distinguish six leading breeds of hens, giving their good
and bad points. State briefly Mendelian law as applkd to
3. Describe one of the best incubators; show how it works,
and say why it should replace the hen.
4. Describe the brooder. Have made a practical one.
5. Describe the most approved hen house and run.
6. Describe the dangerous diseases of hens.
7. Tell how to combat them. By foods, medicine, cleanli-
ness, and good arrangement in housing, roosts, etc.
8. Describe the feeding and rearing oi c^cks, for food and
for egg laying.
9. Also the killing and dressing for home and for market.
10. Pick, dress, and cook a fowl.
1 1. Be able to candle-test eggs, and crate them for market.
12. State advantage and disadvantage of keeping turkeys,
ducks, and geese.
13. State what is known of the profits of poultry keeping
from own expo^ce.
14. State the advantage of squab raising.
15. Handle successfully, for one year, a hive of bees. De-
scribe how it was done.
16. Give an outline of how to run a fur farm.
xy. Take prize at National, State or county fair for any of
the following: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, guineas, iquabs,
bees, silkworms, or fur anunab.
Stock Farmer
The Degree of Stoc Farmer may be conferred on any one who takes eight of these tests: I. Identify six (Afferent kinds ^ cattle and tell their good and bad pdnts. 2. Know how to treat for caked-bag. 3. Understand feeding for mUk.