Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/383

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Pokračování textu ze strany 382

6. Make a noggin or wooden drinking cup of a tree burl.
7. Make a basket to hold at least a quart using raffia, spruce roots, rattan, or other strong material.
8. Make a box or vessel of birch bark tight enough to hold any ordinary grain.
9. Build a cabin.
10. Make a mouse-proof cupboard.
11. Build a boat.
12. Make a Navajo Loom.
13. Build a stone or brick bake oven.
14. Tanapelt with the furon.
15. Remove the hair from a calfskin without using a knife or injuring the skin.
16. Repair a boot with a patch.
17. Make a pair of sins.
18. Build an oven out of doors.
19. Weave a rug or mat.


Bird Sharp


The Degree of Bird Sharp may be conferred on any one who takes eight of these tests:

1. Identify fifty native birds in a collection. (When the sexes differ greatly, they count each as a bird.)
2. Identify twenty-five natives birds in the field.
3. Identify twenty-five native birds by note.
4. Make a local list of twenty-five birds with remarks on arrival, departure, abundance, etc.
5. Mention twenty birds of great value to agriculture and say why.
6. Name ten birds that work in the orchard destroying the bark lice and other such posts.
7. Keep a journal with daily notes on the nesting of a pair of birds from setting to fledging.
8. Make and set up two successful bird bird boxes.
9. Make and set up a accessful lunch counter.
10. Make and set up a successful bird bath.
11. Tell what bird sanctuaries are, and why they are being established.
12. Write an original essay of 500 words giving the life history of some native bird that you know well, telling when it arrives in the spring, how the male differs from the female, what its song is like, what are its haunts, where it nests, what they are like, when the young are raised and fly, what they are like at first plumage, how many broods are raised each season, what are its foods, its enemies, and its peculiarities.