Ernest Thompson Seton a biographical sketch, 1925 (book)


Ernest Thompson Seton a biographical sketch[1]. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. 1925

Setonova bibliografie do r. 1925

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Upozornění V originální tištěné verzi této bibliografie se vyskytují chyby. Ty o kterých víme, že vznikly chybným čtením nepřímých zdrojů, byly opraveny: Příkladem takové chyby byl například záznam k článku Bird Notes in Toronto Marsh, Jan. 25, 1889 (1890), který u tištěného originálu budil dojem, jako by se týkal článku Bird Notes in Toronto v magazínu Marsh – viz stranu 17. K chybné interpretaci zřejmě došlo při přepisu z nějaké starší Setonovy bibliografie, neboť jde o chybné přečtení názvu Setonova ornitologického zápisku publikovaného v periodiku Kanadského institutu roku 1890.

Bohužel je zde ale také několik faktických chyb.

Např. čtvrté vydání, které vyšlo v magazínu “Association Boys” roku 1905, je označeno jako páté. Ovšem to vyšlo až v roce 1906, stejně jako prosincové vydání šesté vročené 1907.

V roce 1907 ve skutečnosti žádné vydání The Birch Bark Roll nevyšlo. Sedmé vydání podle tiráže, osmého vydání, vyšlo až roce 1908. A zmíněné osmé vydání vyšlo až počátkem roku 1910.

Další chyba tohoto typu, je u dvanáctého a třináctého vydání, o kterých se mylně píše, že vyšly v roce 1915. Ve skutečnosti dvanácté vydání vyšlo ještě koncem roku 1912 a vydání třinácté hned v následujícím roce 1913.

Také zde schází informace o anglických verzích The Birch Bark Roll. Víme, že páté vydání The Birch Bark Roll vyšlo roku 1906 také v Londýně, pod hlavičkou vydavatelství Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd. a stejné vydavatelství vydalo i dvanácté vydání (The Book of Woodcraft) v roce 1912.

PoznámkaPod zkratkami Proc. Canadian Inst., Trans. Canadian Inst. Proc. Orn. Subsect. Biol. Sect a Orn. Subsect. Biol. Sect. Canadian Institute se skrývá periodikum které do r.1889 vycházelo pod názvem Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, který se od r. 1890 změnil na Transactions of the Canadian Institute.

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Published by Doubleday, Page & Co.,
and printed at their Country Life Press







Those who have known him longest tell that from his earliest days he has been possessed of a craze to be with the things of wild life, living it with the animals, as far as possible.

Yan, in the “Two Little Savages” is well known to be himself; at least, most of the adventures ascribed to Yan were personal experiences of Seton’s. There may have been some tooling and adapting, but the story is virtually an autobiography of his boyhood.

He was born at South Shields, England, Aug. 14, 1860, with every prospect of worldly comfort. But in 1865, the father lost his fortune, and having a family of ten sons, realized that the land of opportunity for them was over the sea. So he took them to live in the backwoods of Canada, near the town of Lindsay, Ontario. Here, in the primitive woods, Ernest had some chance, to learn the woodcraft6)so dear to his heart and made the most of it, though sadly hampered in those wildwood years for lack of books and sympathetic comradeship.

At the age of ten, he went to live in Toronto, pursuing his education in the public schools, but winning his way into the Collegiate Institute. In the Ontario Art School, he was the gold medallist in 1879, and then went back to England to study art in London.

Here he obtained a scholarship, which gave him seven years free admission to the Royal Academy School. But he discovered something that thrilled him more. That was the Library of the British Museum with its marvellous volumes of Natural History — nearly all that had ever been published.

A wonderful find! All his life he had craved such books, the keys to the treasure he most valued, but he had not known of even their existence. Now he was to enter a new epoch with comprehension of the wild things as its leading joy.

But he was doomed to suffer a shock. He was told that noone under twenty-one could enter the library. Seton was barely nineteen. Most men would have said it was hopeless. The clerk at the desk said it was hopeless. But Seton said “Where can I find the librarian?” “In that office there.”7)

He presented his case to the librarian, and was politely told that no one under twenty-one could be admitted.

“Ts this the final court of appeal?” said Seton.

“No, the Head Chief is Sir –––– ––––. His office is at the other end of the hall.”

So Seton sought out the great man, stating his case, and again met a polite refusal.

Will you kindly tell me if this is the supreme court, or is there yet a Caesar who could overrule all other decisions?”

The chief smiled and said: “I must take orders from the Trustees.”

“Who are they?”

“The Prince of Wales, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Beaconsfield are among them.”

“I shall appeal to them.”

The chief smiled and bowed as Seton left.

Now with characteristic energy, he set to work and wrote to each of the Trustees a carefully worded letter, setting forth his hopes and in simple language, showed how much it meant to him.

He hardly expected even an acknowledgement, but he felt better. He had done everything it was possible to do. He was surprised, first, to get a polite note from each of the three, saying they would consider the case. Then, after two8)weeks, he was thrilled to receive not simply a permit to enter the Book Room, but a life membership ticket with the compliments of the Trustees.

Now he began a course of study among the latest and best of Natural Histories, that covered all his evenings and spare hours till the autumn of 1881, when he was ordered back to America, to ward off a complete physical collapse due to overstudy and underfeeding; for all he had to live, clothe and study on, was $150 a year during these two and a half years of lonely life in London. “Hungry but happy days” he afterward called them, but the thought of America once more was thrilling.

In the April of 1882, he arrived in Manitoba, then a newly opened prairie country, and as he says “was born again.”

The ancestral name of his family was “Seton”. The pseudonym “Thompson” was assumed by the family in a time of political trouble. Now, in 1883, soon after coming of age, the naturalist took legal steps to have the original name restored. He, however, used the combined name “Seton-Thompson” as a pename for several subsequent publications.

Health, strength, liberty, and life among the wilds, were the wonderful things that constructed and glorified the new epoch. Daily contact with the primitive Indian, hunting, trapping, farming, camping for four bright years, were now his dream come true.9)

In the fall of 1885 he came to New York to fight the fight that all young men must face; and had the usual run of penniless starvation for a time. But he had soods to deliver. The Century Company was the first to recognize this, and commissioned him to make one thousand drawings for their Great Dictionary, and this gave him his standing as an illustrator of animal and bird life.

In 1890, he realized that Paris was the world’s center of art. Thither he went and spent four years studying painting under the French masters, Gerôme, Bouguereau, Fremier, and Mosler, exhibiting several animal pictures in the Salon. Here also he finished the elaborate studies of animal anatomy for which he is well known.

But the call of the west was ever strong, and he left Paris again for the Plains. As before he made New York his business headquarters. Nearly every year since for a month or two, he hits the high trail — saddle or canoe. From the Arctic region to Mexico, he has camped in the mountains and on the plains, seeking ever the same thing — the intimate knowledge of the wild things, that is the foundation of his remarkable wild animal stories, the first of their kind, and creators of the modern school.

Molly Cottontail, the first of these, appeared in St. Nicholas in 1889; Lobo in 1894. Then, under the stimulus of public recognition, the others followed10)rapidly, for the pent-up flood of material, long prepared, was ready.

No one who knows what success in the literary world means has any doubt of what happened now. Success meant fortune. Seton was not without good business instincts. He took care of the plentiful returns, so that at middle life he was able to retire, and live in an ideal home, with the things he dreams of about him.

One of the first men of eminence to recognize him was Theodore Roosevelt. In 1898, he wrote to Seton on the appearance of Wild Animals I Have Known: “Your book is one of the most delightful I have read. … I earnestly hope it will not be long before you have a companion volume.”

When Seton’s Life Histories came out, Roosevelt wrote: “I have read through your two volumes and I cannot speak too highly of them. … Heartily complimenting you upon your notable achievement.”

Their friendship continued to the end.

While in Paris in 1894, he met Grace Gallatin, daughter of Albert Gallatin of Sacramento, California. In 1896, they were married. She was admirably equipped to be his helpmate. A woman of broad culture, a writer and outdoor woman, as well as a social leader of brilliant gifts, she has contributed not a little to his success. Their only child Ann is now a tall, handsome young woman, not a naturalist, but devoted to science in other fields.11)

Seton’s home in Greenwich, Connecticut, is enchantingly beautiful. In the middle of a ninety-acre park with a twelve-acre lake that swarms with wild fowl; built of solid timbers cut on the place; himself the architect and builder — it is unique.

His museum contains more than three thousand stuffed birds and beasts, and his library more than five thousand works of science. Prominent on the shelves are thirty leather-clad volumes written by camp-fire and in canoe, the records of his travels during forty years.

A walk around the Seton homestead inspires all with its wild beauty and its originality. In one corner is the zoo, and for long the creatures most numerous there were skunks — as many as a hundred recently. For what? To demonstrate the growing of fur-bearing animals for their fur.

This he has done so successfully that the French Government has conferred on him (1918) the first peace medal since the Great War began, the silver medal for his successful demonstration of fur-farming as an industry.

In May, 1902, he founded the Woodcraft Indians (incorporated as the Woodcraft League), an organization of boys and girls to learn the ways of outdoor life, as he himself has known and lived them. He called it “a man-making scheme with a blue sky background”, which embodies the thought that their out-door pursuits are not merely pastime,12)but are also when properly followed, the best means of character building, the way to perfect and sane development of the whole human being.

So far as known it was the first of all the outdoor organizations, and was followed by many others, which were, in part at least, inspired and shaped by the Woodcraft ideals. Its immediate object was to lead the young to the spiritual side of nature through recreational outdoor life. It sought to open to all ages and both sexes the wonderland of beauty and romance, apart from daily vocations. It was based on the primitive instincts, the delight of the camp-fire, the pleasures of the naturalist and woodcrafter, and the mysticism of the woods.

The Boy Scouts was established in America in 1910 by a committee of which Seton was chairman. He wrote for them their first Manual, and was duly installed as their Chief Scout. He held the post for five years. In 1915, he went out of office. No other Chief Scout has yet been put in his place.

Six feet tall, spare, sinewy and athletic, though in the sixties now, he can swing axe or spade or tramp all day with men who are twenty years younger. Nature blessed him with a marvellous shock of curly black hair, which seems, more than anything else, to express the wild man of the woods, the “wild animal man”, as the children call him.

But those who know him13)well say that he is seen at his best before a council fire of the Woodcraft folk, either in telling a wild tale of Indian scouting, showing how the wolf goes through the woods, or doing a story-dance of the Redfolk.

The men of the platform, both in England and America, rank him as one of the stars. It is said that next after Mark Twain and Beecher, Seton has made the greatest success of the “fone man, one night stand”. Three thousand times has he lectured in furtherance of his dream life — the Woodcraft ideal, of which the wild life is a part; thirty volumes has he published, and it is popularly admitted that from St. John’s to San Diego, there is no American writer more completely enshrined in the hearts of the children to-day than is Ernest Thompson Seton, the creator of Lobo, Johnny Bear, and Molly Cottontail.14)15)



The Kingbird, a Barnyard Legend. A metrical nature story of a kingbird that defended the poultry from a hawk. Ms. in the author’s possession. Unpublished.


A Key to the Birds of Canada, with 181 illus. of beaks, claws, details, etc., used as the chief means of identification. In Ms. unpublished. The subject matter was partly printed in 1884 and 1885 as “Our Canadian Birds”. (See later.) This was used with due credit in Frank M. Chapman’s “Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America,” 1895, New York, D. Appleton & Co.


Bill Bluejay. A poem of 48 lines, bringing in and interpreting the calls of the common birds. Oct. Unpublished Ms. in the author’s possession.


The Striped Gopher. (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Mitchell), Rep. Dep. Agri. Prov. Manitoba for 1882, pp. 169–172, 4 illus. by the author, a life-history of this species in Manitoba. Winnipeg. About 1200 words.

Pedicecetes phasianellus, or Prairie Chicken. Can. Journal, Vol. I, pp. 405–412, Feb., 1883, Toronto, Ont. An original biography of the sharp-tailed grouse reproduced in Rep. Dep. Agri. Prov. Man., 1883, pp. 483–486. Winnipeg, 1884. (See below.)16)

The Great North West. A newspaper article on natural history and farming in Manitoba, 3500 words, published in Harts & Essex Observer (England), 24 March, 1883.

How Wapoos Won His Rifle. A poem of 100 lines describing an Indian exploit which took place at Fort Ellice while the author was there in July, 1882. Unpublished.

On the Classification of Birds. Dec. 22. About 2000 words, contending for more comprehensive genera. Unpublished Ms. in the author’s possession.


The Story of Undine. A nature idyl of about 2000 words. Unpublished Ms. in the author’s possession. The forepart was added in 1885 after a tramp in Muskoka, Ont.

Prairie Fires. Rep. Dep. Agri. Prov. Manitoba for 1883 (published 1884) appendix No. 19, pp. 491–492. Winnipeg. About 1500 words. Showing that but for the annual fires that sweep the prairies they would be one vast forest.

Prairie Fires. Trans. Man. Hist. & Sci. Soc. No. 16, pp. 13–14. This also appeared in The Free Press, Winnipeg, about the same time. A second and enlarged edition.

Nest and Habits of Connecticut Warbler (Oporonis agilis). “The Auk”, Vol. I, April, pp. 192, 193. Boston, Mass. Describing the first authentic nest and eggs. Found by the author in Manitoba. About 370 words.

The Prairie Chicken, or Sharp-tailed Grouse (Pediacetes phasianellus). Hints on rearing and domestication. Trans. Man. Hist. & Sci. Soc., May 22, No. 14, pp. 13–18. Winnipeg. An original life-history with very full account of the growth of the young, etc. This was also printed in full in the Winnipeg Free Press of a previous date.

The Bird. About 3000 words, 12 illus. by author. Scientific article on the bird. Unpublished Ms. in author’s possession, but a portion of it appeared in next item.

Our Canadian Birds, Part I, Canadian Science Monthly, Part I, No. 4, June, published by A. J. Pineo, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. General scientific article on Canadian birds.

— Part II. Same publication Nos. 5 and 6. July and August, pp. 75–78. Instructions in skinning and preserving bird skins.

— Part III. Same publication. Sept., pp. 108–112. Treats of the Turdidae.

— Part IV. Same publication, Oct., pp. 130–135. Treats of the Saxicolidæ and Sylviidæ.17)


— Part V. Same publication. Feb., pp. 19–21. Treats of the Paridæ.

A Manitoban Blizzard. A 700-word description of a prairie snowstorm. It appeared as a chapter in Miller Christy’s “Manitoba Described”. London, 1885, pp. 57–58. Wyman & Sons.

Notes on Manitoban Birds. The Auk, Vol. II, Jan. 21–24, and July, pp. 267–271. Boston, Mass. Life history notes.

On Architecture. An essay. Truth, Toronto, Ont. April 4, p. 5. 1500 words on the principles of good architecture.

The Swallow-tailed Flycatcher in Manitoba and at York Factory. The Auk, Vol. II, April, p. 218. Boston, Mass. About 200 words.

Nest and Eggs of the Philadelphia Vireo. The Auk, Vol. I, July, pp. 305, 306, Boston, Mass. Describing the first authentie nest and eggs of the species.

The Western Grebe in Manitoba. The Auk, Vol. II, July, p. 314, Boston, Mass.

On the Popular Names of Birds. The Auk, Vol. II, July, p. 316.

Interesting Records from Toronto, Canada. The Auk, Vol. II, Oct., pp. 334–337.


The Mammals of Manitoba. Trans. Man. Hist. & Sci. Soc. 23. Read before the Society, May 27, 1886. 15 pp. formally treating 49 mammals. A newspaper edition of this appeared in Manitoba Free Press, May 28. Winnipeg.

A Carberry Deer Hunt. Forest & Stream, N.Y. Vol. XXVI, June 3, pp. 366–368. About 5000 word article, with 3 illus., describing Mule Deer Hunt, and the killing of his first Moose. Also treats of tracking, and Indian Sign Language.

Moose and Bear Queries. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVI, June 24, pp. 427.

Domestication of the Buffalo. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVI, July 8, p. 467.

The Birds of Western Manitoba. The Auk, Vol. III, April, pp. 145–146; July, pp. 320–329; Oct., p. 453. New York. An annotated list of 258 species.


The Evening Grosbeak at Toronto, Canada[2]. The Auk, July, Vol. IV, p. 256.

A List of the Mammals of Manitoba. Trans. Man. Sci. &18)Hist. Soc. appeared early in 1887. Printed at Oxford Press, Toronto. A second edition of the foregoing “Mammals of Manitoba”, but greatly enlarged, treating 52 species in 26 pp. with 6 illus. by the author.

Canadian Game and Fish Resorts. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVIII, Feb. 10, pp. 42–43. New York.

Do Squirrels Hibernate? Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVIII, Feb. 17, p. 65. Brief article showing that red squirrels do not hibernate in Manitoba.

A Record of Failures. Part I. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVIII, Mar. 24, pp. 178–179. Part II, ditto, Mar. 31, p. 198. A long account (about 5000 words) of deer hunting in Manitoba. 8 illus. by the author, much on trailing and general natural history.

The Drummer on Snowshoes. St. Nicholas, Vol. XIV, April, pp. 414–417. New York. A popular natural history article on the ruffed grouse; 1800 words, with 6 illus. by the author.

Hibernation of the Hare. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVIII, April 7, p. 226. New York. Brief article showing that our hares commonly hibernate, or lay up for a few days in very cold weather.

An Exhibition of Snakes. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXVIII, June 16, p. 451.


Ontario Game Laws. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXX, Mar. 29, p. 185.

Notes on the English Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Forest & Stream, Vol. XXX. April 5, pp. 204–205. A careful original investigation of the food of the species.

An Investigation of the Song Sparrow’s Life-history. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXX, April 19, p. 244. An important article, with a schedule under 17 main heads, to fully work out its life-history. This resulted in a book which was never published, because the Ms. was lost, about 1891. This schedule was republished in The Osprey, Sept., 1899, and rewritten for Bird Lore, Nov., Dec., 1904. (See below.)

Tracks in the Snow. St. Nicholas, Vol. XV, Mar. 1, pp. 338–341. A popular account of tracks and trailing in the snow with 6 illus. by the author.

The Song of the Prairie Lark. American Magazine, Vol. VII, April, pp. 717–720, New York. A popular article on habits, with musical notation of song and two woodcuts. This was reproduced without the illustrations in Birds of Manitoba, 1891,19)Washington, and in Western World, Winnipeg, Aug., 1892, pp. 196–197. (See below.)

Nights with the Coons. VIII. Coon hunting in Ontario. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXX, July 19, pp. 518–520. 4 illus. by the author. About 3000 words describing hunting and habits of coon. The other chapters in the series were by other writers.

The Pintail. St. Nicholas, Vol. XV, Sept., pp. 826–827. New York. A large full page drawing by the author and brief descriptive text.

The Western Meadow Lark. St. Nicholas, Vol. XVI, Nov., pp. 63–64. Brief descriptive text on habits, and a large drawing by the author.


The Screech Owl. St. Nicholas, Vol. XVII, Mar., pp. 432–433. Brief article on habits and song of this bird, with a large drawing by the author.

The Oven Bird. St. Nicholas, Vol. XVII, Apr., pp. 520–521. Article on song and habits of this bird, with one illus. by the author.

The True Story of a Little Gray Rabbit. St. Nicholas, Vol. XVII, Oct., pp. 953-955. Long intimate history of a cotton-tail, with 3 illus. by the author. This was extended and appeared later as the Story of Raggylug and Molly Cottontail, in “Wild Animals I Have Known”, 1898.

On the Use of Faunal Lists. Proc. Canadian Inst., Toronto, Ont. 6 pp. for 1888–89, III Ser., Vol. 7, pp. 275–280.

The Evening and Pine Grosbeaks in Ontario. The Auk, Vol. VII, April, p. 211.

Pine Siskins at Lorne Park. Orn. Subsect. Biol. Sect. Canadian Institute, for Dec. 21, 1888, p. 2, pub. Toronto, Ont. Feb., 1890.

Golden Crested Wren Wintering near Toronto. As above, p. 183.

Shrike Carrying Food in Its Claws. As above, p. 184.

Rare Birds at Toronto. As above, p. 184.

Bird Notes in Toronto Marsh, Jan. 25, 1889[3]. As above, pp. 186–7. About 450 words.

Northern Shrike Arrived. As above, p. 196.

Fall Migration and Habits of the Pine Linnet or Siskin. As above, p. 197.

“Strawberry Finch”[4]. As above, for Jan., Feb., March, 1890, p. 3.

Sturnella magna Wintering near Toronto[5]. As above, p. 42.

Disappearance of Forest Birds. As above, p. 47.

Linota cannabina at Toronto[6]. As above, p. 54.20)

Rare Birds in Toronto University Museum. As above, pp. 55–6. 9 birds listed.

Spring Notes. As above, p. 60.

Hybrid Piniccla enucleator x Carpodacus purpureus. Trans. Canadian Inst. Proc. Orn. Subsect. Biol. Sect., Vol. I. pp. 41–2. Material reprinted in The Auk, Jan. 1894.


The Big Buck We Didn’t Shoot. Forest & Stream, N.Y., Vol. XXXVII, Sept. 10, p. 143. A prose poem of a great mythical stag, the spirit of its race, with large drawing by the author. This was reprinted in “Woodmyth and Fable”, 1905.

The Birds of Manitoba. No. 841, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. for 1890, Vol. XIII, pp. 457–63. With Plate XXXVIII. Washington, D.C. Full and elaborate field notes by the author during eight years on the prairies, treating 266 species. Includes Song of Prairie Lark from American Mag. for April, 1888.


Sport in France. Forest & Stream, Part I, Vol. XXXVIII, June 16, p. 560; Part II, June 23, p. 586; Part III, June 30, p. 611. Gossipy articles on sport in France, as seen by an art student.

Wild Rice. Forest & Stream, Vol. XXXIX, Aug. 25, pp. 157–158. 2 large drawings by the author. A paper on the economic value of wild rice, urging its wide introduction.

Song of the Prairie Lark. Western World, pp. 196-7, Aug. Popular article on habits reprinted from American Mag., Apr. 1888.

Acanthus linaria rostrata, at Toronto, Proc. Orn. Subsect. Biol. Sect. Canadian Institute for 1890–91, pub. Nov., 1892, p. 29.

Acanthus linaria holboellii, at Lorne Park. As above, p. 29.

Otocoris alpesiris praticola, notes from Ottawa. As above, p. 29.

Evening Grosbeaks in Ontario. As above, pp. 76, 79.

More About the Scream [of the Panther], Forest & Stream, Vol. XXXIX, Nov. 17, p. 421. Brief article proving that panthers do scream.


Why the Chicadee Goes Crazy Once a Year. Our Animal Friends, Sept., pp. 17, 18. New York. An animal story of about 1000 words with one illus. by the author. Repub. in “Lives of The Hunted”, 1901.21)

Additions to the List of Manitoban Birds. The Auk, Vol. X, Jan., pp. 49, 50.

The Birds That We See. Scribner’s Magazine, Vol. XV[7], June, pp. 759–776. A long popular account of 50 common American birds, with 27 illus. and 2 bars of music by the author.

Not Caught Yet. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXI, Dec., p. 89, one large illus. by the author, of long-eared owl avoiding a trap.

Notes of a Trip to Manitoba, Forest & Stream, Vol. XLI, Part I, Nov. 18, pp. 424–425. Part II, Same, Nov. 25, pp. 446–448. Two extended articles on natural history of Manitoba about 7000 words, with 5 illus. by the author.


The Strange Animals of Thibet. Forest & Stream, Vol. XLII, April 14, pp. 311–312. 8 drawings by the author. With a résumé of Milne-Edwards’ papers on the discoveries by Abbe David and Prince Henri d’Orleans.

Hybrid Pinicola enucleator x Carpodacus purpureus. The Auk, Jan., Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 1–6. 1 colored plate by the author. Account of an interesting hybrid from Toronto. Expanded from article in Trans. Can. Inst., 1890. (See above.)

The Goldenrod. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXI, Aug., p. 281. New York. A prose poem with one full page illus. by the author.

The King of Currumpaw[8]. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XVI., Nov. 7. About 7000 words with 4 illus. by the author. This was the author’s first successful popular animal story, and was written in the early part of 1894. It is better known now as the “Story of Lobo”. It was republished in “Wild Animals I Have Known”, 1898.

How to Catch Wolves. Written for and published by Oneida Community, N.Y. Jan. 5, 12 pp. A pamphlet on most successful ways of wolf trapping. Frontispiece by the author, also 4 diagrams of trap sets.

The Wood Rabbit. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXII, New York, Nov., p. 65, with 1 illus. by the author.


Playing Pretend. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXIII, New York. Nov., pp. 65–66. Natural history article showing the wide use of pretense among animals, especially foxes, with 1 illus. by the author.22)


Studies in the Art Anatomy of Animals; being a brief analysis of the visible forms of the more familiar animals and birds. Designed for the use of sculptors, painters, illustrators, naturalists, and taxidermists. Illustrated with one hundred drawings by the author. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1896. 96 pp. “A list of the principal works consulted”: pp. 86–7. About 100 original drawings of animals and birds illustrating the essentials of their anatomy from the artist’s point of view. Out of print.

The Baron and the Wolves. Forest & Stream, Vol. XLVII, New York, Dec. 26, pp. 504–506, with 6 illus. by the author. An amusing story of life in Russia. (Fiction.)


Intercommunication of Wolves. Forest & Stream, Vol. XLVIII, Jan. 23, pp. 64–65. New York. Showing the use of odor glands and odor posts as a means of intercommunication.

A Horned Cow Elk. Forest & Stream, Feb. 20, p. 145. 10 lines and one drawing.

How Bull-fighting Was Suppressed in France. Our Animal Friends, Feb., pp. 128–129. New York.

Some More About Wolves. Forest & Stream, Vol. XLVIII, March 6, pp. 183–4. On the habits of wolves; about 1000 words.

A Biography of E. T. Seton by Myra Emmons. Recreation Mag., N.Y., Vol. VI, May, 1897, pp. 315–33. Although written by Myra Emmons it contains many long quotations from Seton’s writings and sayings. It is illustrated with 13 large drawings by himself and 3 photos: himself, his wife, and their home.

An Interview with Whitman’s Spirit. Recreation Mag., Vol. VI, June, p. 480. In praise of the bicycle, after the manner of Walt Whitman.

The Woodduck. Our Animal Friends. Vol. XXIV, July, pp. 256–7, New York. A natural history sketch of the woodduck with one illus. by the author.

Directive Coloration of Birds. The Auk. Vol. XIV, Oct., pp. 395–6, with full page plate of hawks and owls in flight. Plate IV. Reproduced with additions in Bird Lore, Nov., 1901, under title “The Recognition Marks of Birds”.

Chanticleer vs. Egret. Forest & Stream, Vol. XLIX, Oct. 9, p. 283. Pointing out the possibility of developing a breed of the common barnfowl that will grow plumes like those of the egret.

The Yellow-leg and the Hens. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXV,23)Nov., pp. 64–65. An episode of a captive yellow-leg with 2 illus. by the author.

The Timber-doodle. Recreation Mag., Vol. VII, Dec., pp. 445–446. A hunting story of a woodcock, with 1 illus. by the author.

Drawings only. “Bird Life: a Guide to the Study of Our Common Birds”, by Frank M. Chapman. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 75 full page and numerous text drawings.

Elkland (The Wild Life of Yellowstone Park), Part I. Recreation Mag., Sept., pp. 199–201; with 6 illus. by the author and a photo. Treats chiefly of elk.

— Part II. Oct. The Beaver Pond. As above, pp. 286–290; with 12 illus. by the author.

— Part III. Nov. Old-Timers. As above, pp. 369–372; with 4 illus. by the author.

— Part IV. Dec. Flies and Weather. As above, pp. 456–7; with 2 illus. by the author.


— Part V. Jan. Puss and the Bear. As above, pp. 33–4; with 5 illus. by the author.

— Part VI. Feb. (Elk) Duels. As above, pp. 117-119; with 3 illus. by the author.

These articles deal entirely with the Yellowstone Park, its oldtimers and its wild life, especially during the spring and summer of 1897, during which time the author lived in a cabin which he built at Yancey’s.

Mammals of the Yellowstone National Park. Recreation Mag., Vol. VIII, for May, pp. 365–371. 5 maps of beaver ponds. A list of 43 species with notes on distribution and numbers. The earliest formal list published on the mammals of the Yellowstone.

A Poem Addressed to a Brass Paper Weight in the Form of a Mouse. Recreation Mag., Vol. VIII, February, p. 153.

The Wolf Question. Recreation Mag., Vol. VIII, Feb., pp. 126–127. Discusses means of exterminating wolves.

A School of Animal Painting and Sculpture in the New York Zoological Park. 2nd Ann. Rept. N.Y. Zool. Soc. Mar. 15, pp. 69–75. A letter to the Society advocating a school for art study of animals.

Hunting with the Camera, Recreation Mag., April, pp. 263–264. An article of about 500 words urging use of camera instead of gun.

How to Measure an Animal. Recreation Mag., Vol. VIII.24)April, pp. 270–272. 3 pp. including a full page plate. Directions for measuring big game. About 1500 words.

Silverspot. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XXIII, Feb., pp. 212–18. An animal story giving the life of a crow, with illus. by the author. About 4000 words. Republished in “Wild Animals I Have Known”, 1898.

The Woodthrush. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXV, May, pp. 207–208; with 1 illus. by the author.

A List of the Big Game of North America. Forest & Stream, Vol. LI, Oct. 8, pp. 285–286. 30 species of horned ruminants are listed with range with 4 illus. by the author, directions for measuring, etc.

A Schedule for Each of the North American Horned Ruminants or Big Game. Arranged under 350 heads for investigation. Ms. in author’s possession. This paralleled for mammals, the bird schedule published in Forest & Stream, etc., in 1888. It was read in 1898 before members of the Camp-fire Club, and published in condensed form in the Introduction to “Life-histories of Northern Animals”, 1909. It was the unpublished part of the Preliminary List of Big Game, 1898, Forest & Stream. See above.

Drawings only. “Fourfooted Americans and Their Kin”, by Mabel Osgood Wright, edited by Frank M. Chapman, illustrated with 72 large drawings. 8 vo. 432 pp. New York and London. The Macmillan Co.

A List of the Fishes Known to Occur in Manitoba. Forest & Stream, Vol. LI, Sept. 10, p. 214. A list of 52 species with notes on range, etc.

Wild Animals I Have Known. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, New York. 8 vo. 359 pp. The personal histories of 8 wild animals with 200 drawings by the author. This book ran through four large editions in two months. It gave the author his popular standing. English, German, Swedish, Danish, and Dutch editions have appeared.

The Protection of Birds in France. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXXVI, Nov., pp. 56–58. 1899.

The New Sportsman. Recreation Mag., Vol. X, Jan., pp. 39–40. 37 lines.

The Fantail, Flagtail or Gazelle Deer, Odocoileus texanus Mearns. Recreation Mag., Jan., pp. 59–60.

The Injuns’ Christmas Spree. International Mag., Chicago, Jan., pp. 35–36 with 7 illus. by the author. A comic poem.25)

Poem to a Bronze Mouse (paperweight) Recreation Mag., Feb., p. 106.

The Myth of the Song Sparrow. Bird Lore, Vol. I, April, p. 59, (Verse).

Poetic Exchange of Compliments. Recreation Mag., Feb., p. 106.

Lobo, Rag, and Vixen, and pictures … being the personal histories of Lobo, Redruff, Raggylug, and Vixen. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899. 147 pp. School edition of stories from “Wild Animals I Have Known”, 1898.

The Trail of the Sandhill Stag. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XXVI, Aug., pp. 191–204. Many illus. by the author. Republished in book form the same year.

Preliminary description of Rangifer montanus Seton. Ottawa Naturalist, Vol. XIII, Aug., pp. 129–130.

The Trail of the Sandhill Stag. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, New York, 8 vo.; 93 pp. 60 drawings by the author, including 1 colored frontispiece. Reprinted in many large issues.

The Water Hen or Gallinule. Our Animal Friends, Vol. XXVII, New York. Sept., pp. 14–15 with 2 illus. by the author. Brief notes on habits, but particular mention of the claw on the first finger still well developed and functioning as a claw.

Notes for Observation on Habits of Birds. The Osprey. Sept., pp. 6–8. “An Investigation of the Song Sparrow’s Life-history”, reprinted with additions from Forest & Stream, April 19, 1888. - (See above.)

Biography of a Grizzly. Century Mag., Vol. LIX, Nov., Part I, pp. 25–40; 6 illus., 9 marg. Part II, Dec., pp. 200–212, 4 illus., 9 marginals.


Biography of a Grizzly. — Part III. Century Mag., Jan., pp. 351–362; 3 illus., 9 marg. The story of a grizzly, with many illustrations by the author. Republished in book form, April 19. (See below.)

Rangifer dawsont Seton. Preliminary description of a new caribou from Queen Charlotte’s Id. Ottawa Naturalist. Vol. XIII. Feb., No. 11, pp. 257–261 with 3 illus. by the author.

The National Zoo at Washington. Part I. Century Mag., Vol. LIX, New York. Mar., pp. 649–60; Part II, May, p. 110. A popular account of the National Zoo. Many illus. by the author. Reprinted in Smithsonian Report for 1901, pp. 697–716. (1902) (See below.)26)

The Kangaroo Rat. Scribner’s Mag., April, pp. 418–427. An animal story with 12 illus. by the author; 4 of them halftones. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”, 1901.

To Jim. Outing Mag., Vol. XXXVI, April, p. 44. (Verse.)

A Legend of the Bloodroot. Outing Mag., Vol. XXXVI, May, p. 177 with 1 full page illus. by the author. (Verse.)

On Nature Study. An Introduction to The Library of Natural History, pp. i to viii.

Tito, the Story of a Coyote: Part 1, Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XXVIII, Aug., pp. 131–45. Part II, Sept., pp. 316–25. An animal story. Many illus. by the author. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”, 1901.

Animal Heroes. Collier’s Weekly, New York, Vol. XXVI, Oct. A popular account chiefly of wolves. One large drawing by the author.

Drawings only. “Bird Life” by Frank M. Chapman. 8 vo. 270 pp. New York, D. Appleton & Co. With 75 full page and numerous text drawings.

Biography of a Grizzly. Century Co., N.Y. April 14. 75 drawings, 167 pp. The book form of the magazine story. (See above.)

The Origin of Dick Cissel. Bird Lore, Vol. II, June, p. 88, 2 illus.

The Wild Animal Play. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol., XVII, Phila., July, pp. 3–4, 28. A play for children, using as characters the animals in the wild animal stories. Republished in book form, 1901. (See above.)

The Wild Animal Play for Children, with Alternate Reading for Very Young Children. Philadelphia, Curtis Pub. Co.; New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1900. 79p. incl. front., 19 illus. Music by Daniel Gregory Mason. First published in Ladies’ Home Journal, July, 1900. (See above.)

New Music from ihe Old Harp. Century Mag., Aug., p. 639. Verse in appreciation of John Burroughs.

Mother Love in the Cows of the Western Range. Breeder’s Gazette, Vol. XXXVIII, Dec. 19, pp. 947–948. Popular article about 2200 words, with one large drawing by the author.

Johnny Bear. Scribner’s Mag., Dec., pp. 658–71. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”, 1901.

A Welcome Superstition. Bird Lore, Vol. II, No. 5, Oct., p. 166. Verse concerning the use of egrettes. Reprinted in “Woodmyth and Fable”, 1905.27)


Chink, the Development of a Pup. Youth’s Companion, Vol. LXXV, Boston, Jan. 17, pp. 28–29; 2800 words with 1 large illus. by author, a photo of him. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”.

Krag, the Kootenay Ram. Scribner's Mag., Part I, June, pp. 693–707. Part II, July, pp.43–51 wth 2 illus. by the author. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”.

The World’s Most Wonderful Zoo. Daily Express, London, Aug. 16. One and a third columns on Washington Zoo. A plea for the preservation of big game, with some facts of what the United States is doing in the matter.

Bird Portraits. 20 large drawings of birds. Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. Text by Ralph Hoffman. The drawings by E.T.S. appeared in Youth’s Companion, Vol. 74, 1900.

The Legend of the White Reindeer. Century Mag., Vol. LXIII, Nov., pp. 79–89. An animal story, of about 7000 words with many illus. by the author. Republished in “Animal Heroes”, 1905.

A Fifth Avenue Troubadour, being the Story of the Adventures of a Cock Sparrow in New York. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXIII, Oct., pp. 13–14 with 2 illus. by the author, also his photograph. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted”.

The Mother Teal and the Overland Route. Ladies’ Home Journal, pp. 5, 6, July, with 1 illus. by the author. Republished in “Lives of the Hunted.” About 2400 words

Lives of the Hunted, containing a true account of the doings of five quadrupeds and three birds, and, in elucidation of the same, over 200 drawings. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons. 360 pp., incl. illus. Marginal illustrations. Contents — Krag, the Kootenay Ram. — A Street Troubadour; being the Adventures of a Cock Sparrow. — Johnny Bear. — The Mother Teal and the Overland Route. — Chink: the Development of a Pup. — The Kangaroo Rat. — Tito: the Story of a Coyote That Learned How. — Why the Chicadee Goes Crazy Once a Year.

The Recognition Marks of Birds. Bird Lore, Vol. 3, Nov. and Dec., pp. 187–189, 1 plate. See The Auk, Oct., 1897.

Pictures of Wild Animals. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. Twelve large pictures for framing (no text), viz.: Krag, Lobo, Tito Cub, Kangaroo Rat, Grizzly, Buffalo, Bear Family, Johnny Bear, Sandhill Stag, Coon Family, Courtaut the Wolf, Tito and her family.28)


The True Story of Daddy Binks. Recreation Mag., Vol. XVI, New York, Jan., pp. 19–20.

Krag, and Johnny Bear, with pictures — being the personal histories of Krag, Randy, Johnny Bear, and Chink. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1902. 141 pp. A small school edition of “Lives of the Hunted” (1901), with some of the stories and many of the pictures omitted.

The National Zoo at Washington, a Study of Its Animals in Relation to Their Natural Environment. (In Smithsonian Institution. Annual report, 1901. Washington, 1902. pp. 697–716.) “Reprinted … from The Century Mag., Vol. LIX, March, 1900. Vol. LX, May, 1900.”

Ernest Thompson Seton’s Boys, the New Department of “American Woodcraft” for Boys. Part I. Trailing. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XIX, May, pp. 15, 41. 12 drawings by the author and portrait.

— Part II. Trailing (Cont’d.). As above. June, p. 15; 14 illus. by the author.

— Part III. Playing Injun. As above. July, p. 17; 11 illus. by the author. This is the first published announcement of the Woodcraft Indians, their laws, honors, and activities. It is the first edition of the Manual or Birch Bark Roll. The organization has grown steadily and is now incorporated as the Woodcraft League of America, with branches and offshoots in England, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and other countries. It was the fore-runner of the Boy Scouts and the Camp-fire Girls. The founders of those organizations were members of the Woodcraft Advisory Board for some years before announcing their own organizations. Its purpose as set forth, the laws in part and the activities practically complete, were adopted by the Boy Scouts of England in 1908.

— Part IV. Archery. As above. Aug., p. 16. Sets forth fully the making of a bow and arrow, how to hold and shoot, how to make a dummy deer, and get up an exciting deerhunt with the bow. ro illus. by the author.

— Part V. Teepees. As above. Sept., p.15. Sets forth fully the making and setting up of a teepee and advantages of same. With incidents. 5 illus. by the author.

— Part VI. Woodcraft Indians and Getting Lost. As Above. Oct., p. 14. Sets forth the founding of a Band of Woodcraft Indians in the summer of 1902 (they called themselves “Seton29)Indians.”) Tells what to do when lost in the woods; with one of the author’s adventures. 2 illus. by the author.

— Part VII. Freezing. As above. Nov., p. 15. Describes the “freezing” of animals to escape observation. 3 illus. by the author and 1 photo. These 7 articles together constitute the 1st Birch Bark Roll of Woodcraft.

On Journal Keeping. Bird Lore, Vol. IV, Nov., and Dec., pp. 175–176 with frontispiece photo of author.

The Winnipeg Wolf. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XX, Dec., pp. 11–12 with 2 illus. by the author. The story of a wolf and a boy. Republished in “Animal Heroes”, 1905.


Two Little Savages; the story of two boys who lived as Indians do. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XX, Jan., pp. 11–12; Feb., p. 112, Mar., pp. 13–14; Apr., pp. 11–12, May, pp. 11–12; June, pp. 11–12; July, pp. 11–12; Aug., pp. 15–16, 32. The chapters as given here are the somewhat condensed form of the volume of the same name below.

Two Little Savages; being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians do and what they learned. With over two hundred drawings by the author. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1903, 19–552 pp. incl. 29pl. Marginal illustrations. Title in green and black. This story, which is largely autobiographical, was intended to give the lessons of Woodcraft in story form. Published serially in Ladies’ Home Journal, Jan. — Aug., 1903. (See above.)

How to Play Indian. Directions for organizing a tribe of Boy Indians and making their teepees in true Indian style. Curtis Pub. Co., Phila., 32 pp. with 14 illus. by the author. This is referred to as the Second Birch Bark Roll of Woodcraft.

More Wild Animals I Have Known. The Boy and the Lynx. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XX, Nov., pp. 13–14 with 3 illus. by the author. An animal story of about 3000 words, republished in “Animal Heroes,” 1905.

Snap, The Bull Terrier. The story of a Christmas Dog. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXI, Phila., Dec., pp. 10 and 49. About 5000 words with 1 illus. by the author. Republished in “Animal Heroes,”’ 1905.

Road to Fairyland. St. Nicholas, Vol. XXXI, Dec., p. 103 (poem).

Fable and Woodmyth. Century Mag., Vol. LXVII, Nov., pp. 35–9; Dec., pp. 276–9.30)


Fable and Woodmyth (Cont’d.). As above. Jan., pp. 346–51, Feb., pp. 496–500; Mar., pp. 750–6, with many illus. by the author. Republished in book form under title “Woodmyth and Fable”, 1905.

The Red Book; or, How to Play Indian; directions for organizing a tribe of Boy Indians, making their teepees, etc., in true Indian style, New York, 1904. 31pp., 9 illus. by the author. Treats of laws, teepees, exploits, and coups of the Woodcraft Indians. Previously published under the title “How to Play Indian”, 1903. (See above.) Now referred to as the Third Birch Bark Roll.

Monarch, the Grizzly. Part I. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXI, Phila., Feb., 1904, pp. 5–6 and 47 with 3 illus. by the author. Part II, Mar., pp. 13–14 with 2 illus. by the author. Part III, same, April, pp. 15, 16 and 60 with 2 drawings by the author. Republished in book form same year.

Stories on the Tree Trunks. How to understand the records of wild life made by tooth and claw. Why the quaking aspen preserves a perfect history. Country Life, Vol. VI, May, pp. 37, 38, 39 and 90; with 23 photos mostly by the author. 2000 words.

How to Make a Fire with Rubbing Sticks. Country Life, Vol. VI, June, pp. 145–6 with 8 illus.; about 1500 words.

Little Warhorse. The Story of a Jack-rabbit. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXI, June, pp. 13–14 with 2 illus. by the author. Republished in “Animal Heroes”, 1905.

The Master Plowman of the West. Century Mag., Vol. LXVIII, June. A study of Thomomys, the pocket gopher and its work; pp. 300–307 with 8 illus. by the author. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

How to Stuff a Bird. Country Life, Vol. VI, July, pp. 267 and 268 with 5 illus.; about 3500 words.

The Slum Cat. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXI, August, pp. 9–10 with 2 illus. by the author. The story of a pussy with a past. Her nine lives recorded. Republished in “Animal Heroes”, 1905.

What to Do when Lost in the Woods. Country Life, Vol. VI, Aug., pp. 358–359 with 2 photos by A. R. Dugmore and 1 illus. by author.

Emergency Foods in the Northern Forest. Lichens and trees that may save the life of a hunter or explorer. An important lesson in Woodcraft. Country Life, Vol. VI, Sept., pp. 438–440 with 7 photos and 1 illus. by the author.31)

The Woodcraft Indians. Holliday Mag., for Children. New York. Oct., pp. 76–79 with 3 large photos. An account of a tribe of Boy Indians written by W. W. Storms from material supplied by Seton.

Monarch, the Big Bear of Tallac, with 100 drawings, by the author. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1904. 214 pp. incl. illus. Book form of the magazine articles in Ladies’ Home Journal, Feb., – Apr., 1904. (See above.) The story of a California Grizzly. An Italian translation was published in Milan, by L. F. Cogliati, 1910.

The Woodcrafter and the Stars. Country Life, Vol. VII, Nov.; p. 61. About 2000 words.

How to Study a Bird. Bird Lore, Nov., Dec., Vol. VI, No. 6, p. 181–4. A study schedule, a rewriting of the one published in Forest & Stream, 1888. About 2000 words.


A Wild Animal Bedquilt. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXII, Jan., p. 9, with 1 large drawing by the author with descriptive text.

The Revival of the Bow and Arrow. Country Life, Vol. VII, Jan., pp. 273–275, with 1 drawing of details by the author and 4 photos.

A New Deer-hunt with the Bow. Country Life, Vol. VII, Feb., pp. 370–1, about 1100 words, 1½ pages of cuts.

Woodmyth and Fable. The Century Co. New York. 8 vo., pp. 181. 88 drawings by the author. Book form of magazine articles, Century, Nov., Dec., 1903, Jan., 1904. (See above.)

Blazes. and Indian Signs. The interpretation of all marks, stone-talk, smoke codes, twisted grass, and the language of twigs — calling for help with a gun — the sign of the skull. Country Life, April, pp. 632–634. 19 photos.

Arnaux, the Homing Pigeon. Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXII, April, pp. 13, 14, with 2 illus. by the author. Republished in “Animal Heroes.”

Laws of the Seton Indians. Pub. in Camp Conference Secretary’s Report, Boston, April 26, 1905, pp. 69–77. This is a new edition of the Red Book, and is now called the Fourth Birch Bark Roll. The ten laws enjoin obedience, no wild fire, protect wild life, keep game laws, fair play, no firearms, no pollution of32)woods, no smoking, no fire-water, word of honor sacred. 58 Honors or coups in Woodcraft are enumerated.

Building a Log Cabin. Country Life, Vol. VIII, May, pp. 79–80 with 12 illus. by the author.

Laws of the Seton Indians, pub. by Y.M.C.A. of New York in Association Boys, Vol. IV, June, 1905, No. 3, pp. 99–108. Now called the Fifth Birch Bark Roll. The same as the preceding, except the introductory matter.

Making Permanent Records of Animal Tracks. Country Life, June, pp. 228–9.

The Secrets of the Trail. Country Life, Vol. VIII, June, 1905, pp. 202–205 with 18 illus. by the author. Gives the trails of many common animals. About 5000 words. Republished in the Illustrated London News, May 27, 1905.

Billy, the Big Wolf. Part I, Ladies’ Home Journal, Vol. XXII, Aug., pp. 5–6. 2 illus. by author. Part II, Ladies’ Home Journal, Sept., pp. 10 and 49 with 1 illus. by the author. Republished in “Animal Heroes”.

Animal Heroes. Being the Histories of a Cat, a Dog, a Jack-rabbit, a Pigeon, a Lynx, Two Wolves, and a Reindeer, and in elucidation of the same, over 200 drawings by the author. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 8 vo., pp. 364. An Italian translation was published by L. F. Cogliati of Milan in 1910.

Elephant Hunting in New York. Four Track News, Vol. IX, Dec., pp. 469–470. With large frontispiece of mastodons by the author. Also a sketch of Indian record.

The Rise of the Seton Indians, 4000 words. Ordered by Sir George Newnes, 17 Dec., 1904, forthe Strand. Published in one of his magazines this year.


The Wapiti and His Antlers. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XX XIX, Jan., 1906, pp. 15–33, 1 map, 16 illus., 6 photographs. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Moose and His Antlers. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XXXIX, February, pp. 157–178, 1 map, 21 illus., 4 photographs. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Caribou and His Kindred. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XXXIX, April, pp. 426–443, 1 map, 15 illus., 5 photographs. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Prong-horned Antelope. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XL, July, pp. 33–49, 1 map, to illus., 6 photographs. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909. 4000 words.33)

The White-tailed (Virginian) Deer and Its Kin. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XL, September, pp. 321–341 with 1 map, 20 illus., 1 photograph, New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The American Bison or Buffalo. Scribner’s Mag., Vol. XL, October, 1906, pp. 385–405 with 2 maps, 16 illus., and 6 photographs. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Smallest of All Beasts of Prey. Western Sportsman, pp. 316–318. December. Account of Putorious rixosus, with map and illus. Winnipeg. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Birch Bark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians. Containing the constitution, laws, games and deeds, publ. by Doubleday, Page & Co. New York. 70 pp., 8 vo., 41 cuts, over 100 exploits recognized. The Sixth Birch Bark Roll.

Raising Fur-bearing Animals for Profit. Fox-farming as a paying investment for $1000 — cost of stock and income from pelts. How the silver fox lives and breeds — a model farm. Country Life, Vol. IX, Jan., pp. 294–7, with an addendum, 9 photos and 1 diagram.


The Merry Chipmunk. Success Mag., Vol. X, May, pp. 328–331, also pp. 368–370. 4 illus. by the author. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Snowshoe Rabbit. Everybody's Mag., Vol. XVI, May, pp. 599–608. 9 illus. and 1 map by the author. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

Dogs of Song. The life-habits and wonderful vocal abilities of the coyote. Success Mag., Vol. X, August, pp. 537, §39, and 562—3 with 1 map, 7 drawings, and 1 photograph. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Habits of Wolves. American Mag., Vol. LXIV, October, 1907, pp. 636–645; 9 illus. by the author. New York. Republished in “Life Histories”, 1909.

The Natural History of the Ten Commandments. Century Mag., Vol. LX XV, Nov., pp. 24–33. An attempt to show the Ten Commandments as kasic laws of all creation, not merely arbitrary laws given to man. A lecture delivered before the Harvard Union, Mar. 5, 1907.

The Natural History of the Ten Commandments. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 77 pp., 12 mo. Showing the Ten Commandments to be fundamental laws of all creation. New York. The book form of the essay.34)

The Birch Bark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians. Doubleday, Page & Co., N.Y. A new edition with additions. The Seventh Birch Bark Roll.

The Birch Bark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians. Doubleday, Page & Co., N.Y. 86 pp. A new edition, enlarged. The Eighth Birch Bark Roll.


Bird Records from Great Slave Lake Region. The Auk, Vol. XXV, Jan., pp. 68–74.

Recent Bird Records for Manitoba. The Auk, Vol. XXV, July, 1908, pp. 450–454.

The White Man’s Last Opportunity. Canada West Mag., April, pp. 525–532 with 7 photos, 1 map. Describes the agricultural possibilities of the far north of Canada as the author saw it in 1907. Winnipeg.

The Biography of a Silver Fox; or, Domino Reynard of Goldur Town. Part I Century Mag., Dec., pp. 208–19. 4 illus. by the author. Parts II & III came out in 1909. An animal story. Republished in book form in 1909.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. The Story of a New Noah’s Ark — a modern citadel of wild life — built to offset the loss to the birds and beasts, caused by the efforts of man, of scraper, plug and saw. Country Life, Vol. XV, New York, Nov., pp. 47 and 84. Many photos and 3 illus. by the author. About 2000 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 2. As above. Dec., p. 226, 1 photo. About 3000 words.


Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 3. As above. Jan., p. 310, 2 photos. About 1000 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 4. As above. Feb., p. 414; 2 photos; 1300 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 5. As above. Mar., p. 542, no illus. 350 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 6. As above. April, pp. 658, 660, 662 and 664. 1 photo and 2 sketches; about 2100 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 7. As above. July, pp. 354 and 356; no illus.; 600 words.35)

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 8. As above. August, 2 photos, p. 555; 200 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull.9. As above, Sept. No. illus.; p. 552; 700 words.

Making a Hollow Tree and What Came Into It. Bull. 10. As above. October, p. 662, no illus., 300 words. (See also 1911 and 1912.)

The Hollow Tree. Bird Lore, Jan., pp. 1–3. About 800 words, 1 photo by author.

Fauna of Manitoba. British Assn. Handbook, 47 pp. Winnipeg. In this 59 mammals and 268 birds are given with brief remarks on distribution and habits. 100 author’s separates were issued.

The Biography of a Silver Fox; or, Domino Reynard of Goldur Town Part II. Century Mag., Jan., pp. 374–85. 3 illus. by the author.

The Biography of a Silver Fox. Part III. Feb., pp. 545—54. 3 illus. by the author. Republished in book form, 1909. (See below.)

The Biography of a Silver Fox; or, Domino Reynard of Goldur Town, with more than 100 drawings by the author. The Century Co., New York, 1909. 209 pp. incl. illus. Book form of the story first published serially in Century Mag., Dec., 1908 – Feb., 1909.

The Story of Wyndygoul. The home of an author and naturalist, how it was built, and the life of its two-footed, four-footed, and winged inhabitants. Chaps. I, II, III, IV, V. Country Life, Vol. XVI, Aug., pp. 399 to 404 and 446, 448, 450, 19 photos, Sept., Chaps. VI, VII, VIII, pp. 505 to 508, alsc pp. 540, 542, $44, 546, 20 photos, about 4500 words in August, and September about 5000 words.

The Story of Coaly-Bay. May Court Mag. Ottawa, Canada. Feb. pp. 5–11. The story of a wild horse. Reprinted in “Wild Animal Ways”, 1916.

The Yak; a North American opportunity. Country Life, Vol. XV, Feb., pp. 354–6. One photo. See also 1911.

Life-Histories of Northern Animals; an account of the Mammals of Manitoba with 68 maps and 560 drawings by the author. New York. C. Scribner’s Sons, 1909. Vol. 1: Contents. — Grasseaters. Vol. 2: Flesh-eaters. “A list of the chief works cited”: Vol. 2. p. 1201–1220. Said by Roosevelt, Allen, Chapman, and Hornaday to be the best work ever written on “the life-histories of American animals”. Awarded gold medal of Camp-fire Club of America, Dec. 2, 1911.36)

The Oldest of all Writing — Tracks. Country Life, Vol. XVII, Dec., pp. 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250. 4,800 words. 18 drawings, 6 photos.


The Porcupine at Home. Country Life, Vol. XVII, No. 4, Feb., pp. 415–416. 4 photographs, 1500 words.

The American Boy Scout; the official handbook of Woodcraft for the Boy Scouts of America; being the Ninth Edition of the Birch Bark Roll. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1910. 86 pp., incl. illus.

Boy Scouts of America; by Ernest Thompson Seton; a handbook of woodcraft, scouting, and life-craft, with which is incorporated by arrangement General Sir Robert Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys. New York, for the Boy Scouts of America, by Doubleday, Page & Company, 1910. 192pp. Partly reprinted from various periodicals. This handbook, containing the Tenth Birch Bark Roll, was the first manual for the Boy Scouts of America.

Thanksgiving and the Yule Log. Country Life, Vol. XIX, Nov., p. 37. About 500 words.

The War Dance and the Fire-fly Dance. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1910. 3–10 pp.

Organized Boyhood. The Boy Scout Movement, its purpose and its laws. Success Mag., Vol. XIII, Dec., pp. 804, 805, 806, 843, 849, 2 photos of groups in camp. An account of the Boy Scout Work.

Boy Scouts in America. Outlook. July 23, pp. 630–5.

How Long Do Animals Live? Ladies’ Home Journal, Aug., p. 6.

The Arctic Prairies. Scribner’s Mag., Part I, The Land of the Buffalo, Nov., pp. 513, 532 with 9 photos and 15 sketches by the author.

— Part II. The Land of the Caribou. As above. Dec., pp. 725–734, with 8 photos and 4 sketches by the author.


— Part III. The Land of the Caribou (Con’t). Asabove. Jan., pp. 61–72; with 8 photos and 6 sketches by the author.

— Part IV. The Land of the Muskox. As above. Feb., pp. 207–223 with 8 photos, 5 sketches and 1 map by the author. These four articles were republished, with additions, in book form the game year.37)

Rolf in the Woods. Doubleday, Page & Co. The Adventures of a Boy Scout with Indian Quonab and little dog Skookum. More than 200 drawings by the author. 437 pp.

Forest Secrets — The Soul-song of Baba-moss-anib. Country Life, Vol. XX, July, pp. 39–42, 66 and 68 with 2 drawings by the author and 6 photos by others. A number of incidents in the life of the ovenbird.

Indian Words in Common Use. Forest & Stream, July 8, p. 55: giving 106 words.

The Hollow Tree. Country Life, Vol. XX, Sept., p. 88, 1 illus., 500 words.

If Da Vinci Came to Town. The American City, Vol. V, Nov., pp. 252–254 with 3 illus. by the author. An arraignment of commercial ugliness in our cities, and suggestions for a better way.

The Arctic Prairies; a canoe-journey of 2,000 miles in search of the caribou; being the account of a voyage to the region north of Aylmer Lake. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1911. 415pp. front., illus., maps, by the author. This included magazine articles of similar title (see above) with many more illustrations as well as scientific appendices. Second edition in 1917.

Two Successful Fur Farms. Country Life, Vol. XX, Sept., pp. 39 and 40; 4 photos. About 1800 words.

More about the Yak. Country Life, Vol. XXI, Dec., p. 44, 3 photos by the author; 220 words.

Scouting. No. I. On Boy Scouts. The American Boy, Vol. XII, July, pp. 5, 6, and 21 with 10 illus. by the author. General article on Boy Scout Work.

Scouting. No. II. Handicraft and Initiations. As above. Aug., pp. 4 and 5 with 17 illus. by the author. Treats willow beds; tilting spears and initiations.

Scouting. No. III. How to Raise Some Money. As above. Sept., pp. 3 and 4. Bird boxes, Campfire names. Stories. 5 illus.

Scouting. No. IV. Sign Language. As above. Oct., pp. 3, 4. 5 illus.

Scouting. No. V. Picture writing. As above. Nov., pp. 6 and 29. About 10 cuts, including many illus.

Scouting. No. VI. Christmas and the Wild West Show. As above. Dec., pp. 3 and 31, with 8 illus. by the author. Describes getting up a Wild West Show, also the Lion Tamer Stunt.38)


Scouting. No. VII. Courtesy and Scouting in the Street. As above. Jan., pp. 3 and 31, with 16 illus. by the author.

Scouting. No. VIII. Scouting in the Sky. As above. Feb., pp. 3 and 26 with 10 illus. by the author. Treats chiefly the stars.

Scouting. No. IX. Hiking and Dancing. As above. March, pp. 3 and 27, with 10 illus. by the author.

Scouting. No. X. Scouting for April. As above. April, pp. 7 and 27, with 10 illus. by the author. Firemaking and the Story of the Yaller-dog.

The Red Lodge. 12 pp. One hundred copies only printed. It gives the Laws and Honors of the Lodge, an esoteric group of mystic Woodcrafters. New York, privately printed.

The Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore, with more than 500 drawings by the author. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1912. 567 pp. Contains bibliographies. “This book is really the Eleventh Edition of the ‘Birch Bark Roll’, which I have published yearly and expanded since 1902.” Contains the purpose and laws of the “Woodcraft Indians”, also called “Seton Indians” and “Indian Scouts”. Partly reprinted from various sources. Includes the Tenth Birch Bark Roll. New editions appeared in 1915 and 1922. With the last was incorporated The Foresters’ Manual. (See below.)

The Foresters’ Manual. Doubleday, Page & Co. One hundred of the best-known forest trees of eastern North America, with 100 maps and more than 200 drawings by the author; pp. 141. This now appears as part of the “Book of Woodcraft”.

Further Annals of a Hollow Tree. Country Life in America, Vol. XXII, Oct., p. 64–5. No illus.

“Bow Skirmish” or “Arrow Fight”. Forest & Stream, Vol. LXXIX, Nov. 30, p. 693. A game between rival teams armed with bow and arrow; 25 lines.

The Annals of a Fur Farm. Chap. I. Country Life, Nov., pp. 38–40, with 4 photos and 11 diagrams. An account of the author’s skunk farm.

The Annals of a Fur Farm. Chap. II. Country Life, Dec., pp. 61–62; 7 photos. An account of certain skunks. The Story of Black Beauty.


The Annals of a Fur Farm. Chap. III. Country Life, Jan., pp.39)Scouting for April/cs3940)Scouting for April/cs4041)Scouting for April/cs4142)Scouting for April/cs4243)Scouting for April/cs4344)Scouting for April/cs4445)Scouting for April/cs4546)Scouting for April/cs4647)Scouting for April/cs4748)Scouting for April/cs4849)Scouting for April/cs4950)Scouting for April/cs50

  1. odkaz
  2. Occurence of the Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertina) at Toronto, Canada.
  3. Bibliografický záznam byl přepsán chybně. Nejednalo se o časopis Marsh z 25. ledna 1889, nýbrž zápis o pozorovnání ptáků na Torontských slatích dne 25. ledna 1989.
  4. Stránka je uvedena chybně. Ve skutečnosti jde o odstavec č. 8, který začíná na straně 43 a Seton v něm popisuje, jak mu r. 1883 v Manitobě jistý Mr. Babb vyprávěl o ptáku, kterého zastřelil o rok džíve v západním Ontariu, kterého označil jako “Strawberry Finch” (čes. Pěnkava jahodová)
  5. Odstavec má ve skutečnosti tento název ~ 12. Sturnella magna wintering near Toronto.
  6. Odstavec má ve skutečnosti tento název ~ 65. Linota cannabrua at Toronto.
  7. Chybně uvedené číslo svazku. Ve skutečnosti jde o svazek XIII.
  8. Článek byl otištěn na straně 618–628.