G)ntents Games for the CAiSP— 'Continued Still-hunting the Buck, or the Deer Htuit . . 283 The Bear Hunt . 286 Spearing the Great Sturgeon 288 Canoe Tag 290 Scouting 290 Quicksight 291 Far-sight or Spot-the-rabhit ..... 292 Home Star or Pole Star 292 Rabbit Hunt . 293 Arrow Fight 293 Hostile Spy 294 Scout Messenger 295 Challenge for Scout Messenger .... 295 Tree the Coon 296 Navajo Feather Dance 296 Feather Football or Feather-blow . . . 297 Cock-fighting 297 One-legged Chicken Fight 297 Stronghand 297 Badger-pulling 298 Stung, or Step-on-the-rattler 298 Buffalo Chips 298 Rat-on-his-lodge 299 Watching by the Trail 300 Trailing 300 Apache Relay Race 301 The Weasel in the Wood 301 Throwing the Spear 301 Water-boiling Contest 302 Medley Scouting 302 XII. Health and Woodland Medicine First Aid: ■■:■■'■■:'>■'::■.■■ To Revive from Drowning 305 Sunstroke 306 Burns and Scalds 306 Hemorrhage or Internal Bleeding . . . 306 Cuts and Wounds 307 Lightning 307 Shock or Nervous Collapse. 307 zvi
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