Contents First Aid — Continued Fainting 307 Mad Dog or Snake Bite 308 Insect Stings 308 Tests of Death 308 Cinders or Sand in the Eye .... 308 Books Recommended 308 Wildwood Remedies or Simples: Antiseptic or Wound Wash 309 Balm for Wounds 309 Bleeding, to Stop 309 Bowel Complaint 309 Bowel Tonic 309 ChUls and Fever 309 Cold or Fever Cure 309 Cough Remedy 309 Cough and Irritated Throat . . . . 312 Cough and Limg Remedy 312 Diuretic 312 Face-ache 312 Inflammation of the Eyes or Skin . . . 312 Ink 312 Lung Balm 312 Nose-bleed 312 Nose Stopped up at Night 312 Pimples and Skin Rash 312 Poison Ivy Sting 312 Purge, Mild 314 " Strong 314 " Fierce 3^4 Rheumatism 3^4 Sores and Wounds 315 Sunburn 3^5 Sweater 316 Tapeworm 3^6 Throat Irritation (at night) 317 Tonic 317 Wash for Sore Throat 317 Worms . • 317 Worms and Tonic 318 xvii
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