Contents PAGE Mushrooms, Fungi or To D5tools— Continued Wholesome Toadstools 3i8 Uncertain Kinds 3^3 Cautions for the Inexperienced . . . . 325 Mushroom Growing 325 Books Recommended 325 XIII. Forestry PiNACE^— Conifers or Pine Family White Pine, Weymouth Pine (Pinus Strobus). 329 Red Pine, Canadian Pine, Norway Pine {Pinus resinosa) • • 33^ Long-leaved Pine, Georgia Pine, Southern Pine, Yellow Pine, Hard Pine {Pinus palus- tris) ' 331 Tack-Pine, Banksian Pine, Gray Pine, Labrador Pine, Hudson Bay Pine, Northern Scrub Pme {Pinus Banksiana) • • 332 Jersey Pine, Scrub Pine {Pinus Virginiana) 333 Yellow Pine, Spruce Prne, Short-leaved Pme, Bull Pine {Pinus echinata) 334 Table Mountain Pine, Hickory Pine {Pinus pungens) • . • 335 Loblolly, Old Field Pine, Frankincense Pme {Pinus Taeda) -33^ Pitch Pine, Torch Pine, Sap Pine, Candlewood Tine {Pinus rigida) • .• 337 Tamarack, Larch or Hackmatack {Lanx laricina) ^ 33° White Spruce {Picea Canadensis) . . • • 339 Black Spruce, Swamp Spruce {Picea Mari- ana) 341 Red Spruce {Picea rubens) 342 Hemlock {Tsuga Canadensis) 343 Balsam Tree or Canada Balsam {Abies bal- samea) x' ' ' ' ^^^ Bald Cypress {Taxodium distichum) . ■ ■ 347 Arbor-vitffi or White Cedar {Thuja occi- dentalic) : ' , ■ ^^ Southern Arbor-vitffi {Chamacypans thy- oides) 349 xix
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