Contents PAGE PiNACEiE — Conifers or Pine Family — Continued Red Cedar or Juniper (Juniperus Vir- giniana) 351 Salicace^ — ^The Willow Family Black Willow {Salix nigra) 352 Crack Willow, Brittle Willow {Salix fragilis). 353 Golden Willow, Golden Osier, Yellow Willow or White Willow {Salix alba) 354 Pussy Willow or Glaucous Willow {Salix dis- color) 355 Bebb's Willow, Fish-net Willow or Withy Willow {Salix Bebbiana) 356 Quaking Asp, Quiver Leaf, Aspen Poplar or Fopple {Populus tremuloides) 357 Large-toothed Aspen {Populus grandidentata) . 359 Swamp, Downy or Black Poplar {Populus heterophylla) 360 Balsam Poplar, Balm of Gilead, or Tacamahac {Populus balsamifera) . . .... 361 Cottonwood {Populus deltoides) . . . . 362 White Poplar, Silver Poplar or Abele {Populus alba) 363 Lombardy Poplar {Populus dilatata) . . . 364 JUGLANDACEiE OR WaLNUT FaMILY Black Walnut {Juglans nigra) 365 White Walnut, Oil Nut or Butternut {Juglans cinerea) 367 Pecan {Hicoria Pecan) 369 Bitter Nut or Swamp-Hickory {Hicoria cordi- formis) 370 Water Hickory {Hicoria aquatica) . . . . 371 Shagbark, Shellbark or White Hickory {Hicoria ovata) 372 The Big Shell-Bark or King-Nut {Hicoria laciniosa) 373 Mockernut, White Heart or Big-Bud Hickory {Hicoria alba) 374 Pignut Hickory {Hicoria glabra) . . . .375 Small Fruited Hickory {Hicoria microcarpa) . 376 XX
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