The Birch-Bark Roll cession in 60 seconds each, throwing them to drive each a given stake, coup; in 45 seconds each, grand coup. Knots. To make 30 different standard knots in a rope, for coup; 50 for grand coup. Lasso. To catch to horses or cattle in corral, with 10 throws of the lasso, counts coup; to catch 1o on the range in ro throws counts a grand coup. Lasso. To catch a horse or beef by each of his four feet in four successive throws, grand coup. Lasso. To catch, throw, and “hog-tie” a beef or horse in 2} minutes for cowp; in 14 minutes for grand coup. The record is said to be 4o seconds. _ +» Diamond Hitch. Pack a horse with not less than .'too pounds of stuff, with diamond hitch, to hold during 8 hours of travel, coup. Ten days in succession, a grand coup. Size-guessing. To guess one inch, one foot, one yard, one rod, one acre, too yards, 200 yards, one-quarter mile, one-half mile, and a mile, within 20 per cent of average error, for coup; 10 per cent for grand coup. Height and Weight Guessing. ‘To guess the height of 10 trees or other high things, and the weight of 10 stones or other things ranging from one ounce to Ioo pounds, within 10 per cent of average error, for coup; 5 per cent for grand coup. Gauging-jarness. To measure the height of ro trees without climbing, or 10 distances across a river, etc., without crossing, within 10 per cent of average error, 27
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