The Birch-Bark Roll for coup; 5 per cent for grand coup. Tools, an axe and a pocket rule only. Star-gazing. Know and name 15 star groups, for coup; know 20 star groups and tell the names and something about at least one star in each, for grand coup. Latitude. Take the latitude from the stars at night with a cartwheel, or some home-made instrument, 10 times from different points, within one degree of average error, for cowp; one-half degree for grand coup. Traveller. A coup for being able to take correct latitude, longitude, and local time. A grand coup for having passed the Royal Geographical Society’s ex- amination of “expert traveller.” Red Cross. A grand coup for having passed, the Red Cross examination of first aid to the wounded. Boat-builder. Build a boat that will carry two men and that can be paddled, rowed, or sailed by them 6 miles an hour, coup; 7 miles an hour, grand coup. Birch Canoe. To have made a birch canoe that has travelled, with at least one man aboard, 100 miles or more in safety, grand coup. In Sign-talking, to know and use correctly 50 signs, for coup; 100 signs, grand coup. Wig-wag Signalling. To know the semaphore code and signal, as well as receive a message a quarter mile off, at the rate of 2 words a minute, for coup. 28 Slee ti Arche EM ro eR ee SFR oe So voi ens
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