The Birch-Bark Roll The same, at a mile, 10 words a minute, for grand coup. ARCHERY ° « o Revised by Mr. Will H. Thompson, of Seattle, Wash. Make a total score of 300 with 60 shots (in one or two meets), 4-foot target at 4o yards (or 3-foot target at 30 yards), for coup; make 4oo for grand coup. Shoot so fast and far as to have 6 arrows in the air at once, for cowp; 7, for grand coup. (According to Cat- lin the record is 8.) For children (under 10), to send an arrow go yards, coup; 115 yards, grand coup. For boys (10 to 14), to send an arrow 128 yards, coup; 150, grand coup. For lads (14 to 18), to send an arrow 175 yards, coup, 200, grand coup. For men (over 18), to send an arrow 250 yards, coup; 275, grand coup. To hit the Burlap Deer in the heart, first shot: — For Boys at 45 yards coup; 55 yards, grand coup ce Lads a9 60 sé “ec 70 ac cc 66 a9 Men ce 75 «se ce 85 66 ce 6c (The heart is 9 inches across.) To cover a mile: — Children in 19 shots for coup; 15 shots for grand coup Boys 6c 14 6a “cc oe It oe oe cs ce Lads “cc Io ce 6c ce 9 “cb “s ce ch Men oc 8 “ce 6c ot 7 66 ce 6s 6c 29
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