346 Woodcraft Manual for Boys Any one counting Coup, according to the class above him, may count it a Grand Coup in hisown class, unless otherwise provided. This list is made by the Council of Guidance. The exploits are founded on world-wide standards, and with the help of the best experts. The Cotmcil will gladly consider any suggestion, but it must be understood that no local group has any power to add to or vary the exploits in any way whatsoever. Badges for Coups (For form of conferring coup badges see page 32) Coup (above) and Grand Coup The badge for the Coup is an embroidered eagle feather. The badge for the Grand Coup has a red tuft embroidered on the end of the Coup badge. In the case of the Sagamore who has won twenty-four coups he or she is entitled to wear the twenty-four conventional eagle feathers on a Council Robe. Also the Woodcraft Boy is en- titled to wjsarawarbonnetof twenty-four eagle feathers on special occasions such as grand councils. A Sagamore must be at least fourteen years of age. CLASS I-EXPLOITS Athletic Coups and Grand Coups Badges are allowed for saving a human life at risk of one's own; it is a coup or a grand coup, at the discretion of the Council. A soldier's war medals count for a grand coup each. Courage. (The measure of courage has not yet been dis- covered.)
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