Coups and Degrees 347 To ride a horse one mile in three minutes, clearing a four- foot hurdle and an eight-foot water jump, counts coup; to do it in two minutes, clearing a five-foot hurdle and a twelve-foot w^ater jimip, grand coup. Trick riding. To pick up one's hat from the ground while at full gallop on a horse of not less than thirteen hands, counts coup. To do it three times without failure, from each side, with horse of at least fifteen hands, counts grand coup. General Athletics Those under ten are children; those over ten and under sixteen are boys or young girls; those over sixteen and imder eighteen are lads or girls; those over eighteen are men or women. Girls take the standards according to their ages up to eighteen, but for athletics are never over that. No matter what their age, henceforth they continue in the lad class," and in filing the claim need only mention their class. Men or women over seventy return to the lad class. The records are given according to Spalding's Almanac, where will be foimd the names of those who made them, with date and place. A dash ( — ) means "not open," No test requiring violent exercise should be taken unless the member has passed a general physical examination. The Guide of each group should see that tins precaution is observed, and especially so in the case of the girl members. Failure to observe the condition of the body may result in life- long harm. Don't try for any Coup in athletics without getting your Guide's approval.
Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/379
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