Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/87

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The "Sun and shímmer sign" indicates the Sunshine pouring down by holding up high the outside hand, usually the right, with fore-fmger and thumb forming an “Of” at the same time moving the other hand with the ñngers Straight and a little spread to and fro in a direct line from the "O" to the earth, gentle waving or quivering the ñngers of the second hand to symbolize the shimmering beam of sunlight. The "min sign" is made by holding up both hands high in front, palms down, and allowing the ñngers to slightly spread out, hanging down, and in time with the music the ñngers are raised and quickly and sharply dropped again, as if sprinkling water from the tips. The hop-step is the principal step in these Indian dances. It is a step and a hop on each foot, that is two beats. The hop is very slight. Sometimes only the heel is raised and the knee action is emphatic to jingle the bells or rattles that are often used attached to the knee, much as Morris Dances. The side-step is done very slowly, the right foot taking a long sidewise step on the heavy beat of the drum, and then the left foot slides slowly up to the right foot on the light beat of the drum; then repeat. Note the ankles are never crossed. In the Com Dance when the dancers sit down they must all sit at the same moment and in the same fashion, the same foot must be in front and the same hand used to support each in rising. A good plan is to have the right foot over the left and use the left hand as support in getting up. The dancers go the opposite way of the sun, or to the right. They form a complete circle with equal distance between each. The one who comes in first is the leader. This one always goes out ñrst, and, in fact, di- rects the dance, although, it is done in unison. The leader should be the best dancer and should also be tall and well cos- turned. The usual accompaniment needed is the regular beat in double- time of a drum. The “wind murmur" is a continuous soft sound made by pro- longing the "oo" of “whoo" in unison and softly, rising and falling a little in intensity. . The I ndian whoop is made by singing the sound of “Oh" and at the same time rapidly tapping the lips with Hat right hand fmger tips.