The Spring Dance, or the Planting of the Corn =
Tzlgua. Transcribed and harmonizaci .by Pnor. JoHN COMFORT FrLLMoRn. H13. - chi d . nin, hla - chi dai- . nin, i-beh ma kun whi niweh, da win gu ba hin ah.
By permission from "Indian Story and Song", by Alice C. Fletcher.
1. Enter marching to drum, holding up grain of corn in one hand. 2. Hop-step (as above) once around, stop equal distances apart, forming complete circle around ñre. Kneel on left knee. Plant corn (make hole, drop in grain and cover with two motions as though scraping the soil with the hands from four points of Compass, i. e., right and left hands approach each other from east and west and then from north and south in covering hole). 3. Rise, from circle facing the ñre, and sing Rain Song, making the rain sign (as noted). 4. Hop-step to the right, making sun sign with outer or right hand, and the shimmer sign with the left. Go around once. 5. Rain song, making rain sign. Then all kneel on left knee, facing fire, put back of right hand on the ground with fmgers closed except index, which points up, raise it in four jerks at four beats of the drum, to make the corn grow knee-high. 6. Rise, take four steps in, spin in four steps, then take four steps backward. 7. Rain song, making rain sign. Kneel, make corn grow . from knee to waist in four beats. 8. Rise, take four steps in, take four steps around self, i. e., spin in four steps then take four steps. 9. Rain song, rain sign. Grow corn from waist to head high in four beats. ro. The hands high weaving corn, sway forward, backward, ..text pokračuje